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Microsoft access 2016 user guide free

The most recent supported version of each major version is listed here. Amazon RDS is actively migrating existing instances off this version. To deliver a managed service experience, Amazon RDS does not provide shell access to DB instances, and it restricts access to certain system procedures and tables that require advanced privileges. Amazon RDS manages backups for you. Before creating your first DB instance, you should complete the steps in the setting up section of this guide.
Multi-AZ deployments provide increased availability, data durability, and fault tolerance for DB instances. By default, DB instances are created with a firewall that prevents access to them.
You therefore must create a security group with the correct IP addresses and network configuration to access the DB instance. If your DB instance is going to require specific database parameters, you should create a parameter group before you create the DB instance.
If your DB instance is going to require specific database options, you should create an option group before you create the DB instance. When you create your DB instance, you can configure it to take automated backups. You can also back up and restore your databases manually by using full backup files. Importing and exporting SQL Server databases using native backup and restore. Microsoft SQL Server database log files. For more information, see the following documentation:. The following table shows the maximum number of supported databases for each instance class type and availability mode.
Use this table to help you decide if you can move from one instance class type to another, or from one availability mode to another. If your source DB instance has more databases than the target instance class type or availability mode can support, modifying the DB instance fails.
You can see the status of your request in the Events pane. For example, let’s say that your DB instance runs on a db. This upgrade fails, because your DB instance contains more databases than your target configuration can support.
If you upgrade your instance class type to db. Unable to modify database instance class. The instance has 76 databases, but after conversion it would only support Unable to convert the DB instance to Multi-AZ: The instance has 76 databases, but after conversion it would only support If the point-in-time restore or snapshot restore fails, you see events and messages similar to the following:.
Database instance put into incompatible-restore. Client connections from IP addresses within the range Examples of this are the db.
For more information, see the table of scale limits under Editions and supported features of SQL Server For more information on setting DB parameters, see Working with parameter groups. If you have a scenario that requires a larger amount of storage, you can use sharding across multiple DB instances to get around the limit. This approach requires data-dependent routing logic in applications that connect to the sharded system. You can use an existing sharding framework, or you can write custom code to enable sharding.
If you use an existing framework, the framework can’t install any components on the same server as the DB instance. This type of restore means that you can’t restore the transactions made during those few minutes on your dropped database.
Dropping a database removes the transaction logs for that database. Database names follow the usual SQL Server naming rules with the following differences:.
The computation and memory capacity of a DB instance is determined by its DB instance class. The DB instance class you need depends on your processing power and memory requirements. For more information, see DB instance classes. For example, some newer DB instance classes such as db. The master user name that you specify when you create a DB instance is a SQL Server Authentication login that is a member of the processadmin , public , and setupadmin fixed server roles.
AWS Services in scope have been fully assessed by a third-party auditor and result in a certification, attestation of compliance, or Authority to Operate ATO. For more information, see AWS services in scope by compliance program. To set up auditing, set the parameter rds. If your DB instance is not already using a custom DB parameter group, you must create a custom parameter group and attach it to your DB instance before you can modify the rds.
For more information, see Working with parameter groups. If you force connections to use SSL, it happens transparently to the client, and the client doesn’t have to do any work to use SSL. If no version is specified, Amazon RDS defaults to a supported version, typically the most recent version.
If a major version is specified but a minor version is not, Amazon RDS defaults to a recent release of the major version you have specified. The following table shows the supported versions for all editions and all AWS Regions, except where noted. You can also use the describe-db-engine-versions AWS CLI command to see a list of supported versions, as well as defaults for newly created DB instances.
Amazon RDS includes flexible version management that enables you to control when and how your DB instance is patched or upgraded. This enables you to do the following for your DB engine:. Test new patch versions to verify that they work with your application before you deploy them in production. Plan and perform version upgrades to meet your service level agreements and timing requirements. Currently, you manually perform all engine upgrades on your DB instance.
The following table displays the planned schedule of deprecations for major engine versions of Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft will stop critical patch updates for SQL Server At that time, any remaining instances will be scheduled to migrate to SQL Server latest minor version available. To avoid an automatic upgrade from Microsoft SQL Server , you can upgrade at a time that is convenient to you.
For more information, see Upgrading a DB instance engine version. In general, a version also includes features from the previous versions, unless otherwise noted in the Microsoft documentation. Accelerated database recovery ADR — Reduces crash recovery time after a restart or a long-running transaction rollback.
Row mode memory grant feedback — Corrects excessive grants automatically, that would otherwise result in wasted memory and reduced concurrency. Batch mode on rowstore — Enables batch mode execution for analytic workloads without requiring columnstore indexes. Table variable deferred compilation — Improves plan quality and overall performance for queries that reference table variables.
Dynamic management functions DMFs — Include sys. Verbose truncation warnings — The data truncation error message defaults to include table and column names and the truncated value. Resumable online index creation — In SQL Server , only resumable online index rebuild is supported.
For a list of unsupported features, see Features not supported and features with limited support. SQL Server includes one new parameter, backup checksum default. CDC captures changes that are made to the data in your tables, and stores metadata about each change that you can access later. For more information, see Change data capture in the Microsoft documentation. For more information, see Using change data capture.
In the event of planned database maintenance or unplanned service disruption, Amazon RDS automatically fails over to the up-to-date secondary replica so database operations can resume quickly without manual intervention.
The primary and secondary instances use the same endpoint, whose physical network address transitions to the passive secondary replica as part of the failover process. You don’t have to reconfigure your application when a failover occurs.
Amazon RDS manages failover by actively monitoring your Multi-AZ deployment and initiating a failover when a problem with your primary occurs. Failover doesn’t occur unless the standby and primary are fully in sync.
You don’t have to manage anything. Amazon RDS handles the primary, the witness, and the standby instance for you. Amazon RDS uses option groups to enable and configure these features. Change data capture for Multi-AZ instances. Setting the retention period for trace and dump files. Compressing backup files.
Adding a domain user as a database administrator. Granting access to domain users. Revoking system-level permissions. SSAS: Monitoring the status of a deployment task. SSIS: Monitoring the status of a deployment task. SSRS: Monitoring the status of a task.
You can set the time zone of your DB instance to a local time zone instead, to match the time zone of your applications. You set the time zone when you first create your DB instance. When you request a point-in-time restore, you specify the time to restore to. The time is shown in your local time zone. For more information, see Restoring a DB instance to a specified time. You can’t restore a snapshot from a DB instance in one time zone to a DB instance in a different time zone.
This topic gives you step-by-step instructions and best practices for making your PowerPoint presentations accessible and unlock your content to everyone, including people with disabilities. PowerPoint has many features built-in that help people with different abilities to read and author documents. In this topic, you learn, for example, how to work with the Accessibility Checker to tackle accessibility issues while you’re creating your presentation.
You’ll also learn how to add alt texts to images so that people using screen readers are able to listen to what the image is all about. You can also read about how to use slide design, fonts, colors, and styles to maximize the inclusiveness of your slides before you share or present them to your audience. Best practices for making PowerPoint presentations accessible. Check accessibility while you work. Create accessible slides.
Avoid using tables. Add alt text to visuals. Create accessible hyperlink text and add ScreenTips. Use accessible font format and color. Use captions, subtitles, and alternative audio tracks in videos.
Save your presentation in a different format. Test accessibility with a screen reader. The following table includes key best practices for creating PowerPoint presentations that are accessible to people with disabilities.
To find missing alternative text, use the Accessibility Checker. Use the Accessibility Checker to find slides that have possible problems with reading order. A screen reader reads the elements of a slide in the order they were added to the slide, which might be very different from the order in which things appear. Set the reading order of slide contents. Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order, colors, and more. To determine whether hyperlink text makes sense as standalone information, visually scan the slides in your presentation.
Tip: You can also add ScreenTips that appear when your cursor hovers over text or images that include a hyperlink. Turn on the Color filter switch, and then select Grayscale. Visually scan each slide in your presentation for instances of color-coding. People who are blind, have low vision, or are colorblind might miss out on the meaning conveyed by particular colors. Use an accessible presentation template. To find insufficient color contrast, use the Accessibility Checker. Strong contrast between text and background makes it easier for people with low vision or colorblindness to see and use the content.
Use accessible font color. To find slides that do not have titles, use the Accessibility Checker. People who are blind, have low vision, or a reading disability rely on slide titles to navigate. For example, by skimming or using a screen reader, they can quickly scan through a list of slide titles and go right to the slide they want. Give every slide a title. Hide a slide title. If you must use tables, create a simple table structure for data only, and specify column header information.
To ensure that tables don’t contain split cells, merged cells, or nested tables, use the Accessibility Checker. Use table headers. To find potential issues related to fonts or white space, review your slides for areas that look crowded or illegible. Make videos accessible to people who are blind or have low vision or people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Subtitles typically contain a transcription or translation of the dialogue.
Closed captions typically also describe audio cues such as music or sound effects that occur off-screen. Video description means audio-narrated descriptions of a video’s key visual elements.
These descriptions are inserted into natural pauses in the program’s dialogue. Video description makes video more accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. Include accessibility tags to PDF files you create from your presentation.
The tags make it possible for screen readers and other assistive technologies to read and navigate a document. Top of Page. The Accessibility Checker is a tool that reviews your content and flags accessibility issues it comes across. It explains why each issue might be a potential problem for someone with a disability.
The Accessibility Checker also suggests how you can resolve the issues that appear. In PowerPoint, the Accessibility Checker runs automatically in the background when you’re creating a document.
If the Accessibility Checker detects accessibility issues, you will get a reminder in the status bar. The Accessibility pane opens, and you can now review and fix accessibility issues. For more info, go to Improve accessibility with the Accessibility Checker. Tip: Use the Accessibility Reminder add-in for Office to notify authors and contributors of accessibility issues in their documents. With the add-in, you can quickly add reminder comments that spread awareness of accessibility issues and encourage the use of the Accessibility Checker.
For more info, go to Use the Accessibility Reminder to notify authors of accessibility issues. The following procedures describe how to make the slides in your PowerPoint presentations accessible. For more info, go to Video: Create accessible slides and Video: Design slides for people with dyslexia.
Use one of the accessible PowerPoint templates to make sure that your slide design, colors, contrast, and fonts are accessible for all audiences. They are also designed so that screen readers can more easily read the slide content.
In the Search for Online templates and themes text field, type accessible templates and press Enter. One simple step towards inclusivity is having a unique, descriptive title on each slide, even if it isn’t visible.
A person with a visual disability that uses a screen reader relies on the slide titles to know which slide is which. Use the Accessibility ribbon to make sure every slide has a title. For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the “Use the Accessibility ribbon to title a slide” section. You can position a title off the slide. That way, the slide has a title for accessibility, but you save space on the slide for other content. For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the “Put a title on a slide, but make the title invisible” section.
If you want all or many of your slide titles to be hidden, you can modify the slide master. For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the “Systematically hide slide titles” section. If you’ve moved or edited a placeholder on a slide, you can reset the slide to its original design.
All formatting for example, fonts, colors, effects go back to what has been assigned in the template. Restoring the design might also help you find title placeholders which need a unique title. To restore all placeholders for the selected slide, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, select Reset.
Some people with visual disabilities use a screen reader to read the information on the slide. When you create slides, putting the objects in a logical reading order is crucial for screen reader users to understand the slide.
Use the Accessibility Checker and the Reading Order pane to set the order in which the screen readers read the slide contents. When the screen reader reads the slide, it reads the objects in the order they are listed in the Reading Order pane. For the step-by-step instructions how to set the reading order, go to Make slides easier to read by using the Reading Order pane. PowerPoint has built-in, predesigned slide designs that contain placeholders for text, videos, pictures, and more.
They also contain all the formatting, such as theme colors, fonts, and effects. To make sure that your slides are accessible, the built-in layouts are designed so that the reading order is the same for people who use assistive technologies such as screen readers and people who see. For more info, go to Video: Use accessible colors and styles in slides. Expand the Themes gallery and select the slide layout that you want. PowerPoint automatically applies this layout to the presentation.
In general, avoid tables if possible and present the data another way, like paragraphs with headings. Tables with fixed width might prove difficult to read for people who use Magnifier, because such tables force the content to a specific size. This makes the font very small, which forces Magnifier users to scroll horizontally, especially on mobile devices. If you have to use tables, use the following guidelines to make sure your table is as accessible as possible:. If you have hyperlinks in your table, edit the link texts, so they make sense and don’t break mid-sentence.
Make sure the slide content is easily read with Magnifier. Screen readers keep track of their location in a table by counting table cells. Blank cells in a table could also mislead someone using a screen reader into thinking that there is nothing more in the table.
Use a simple table structure for data only and specify column header information. Screen readers also use header information to identify rows and columns.
Visual content includes pictures, SmartArt graphics, shapes, groups, charts, embedded objects, ink, and videos. In alt text, briefly describe the image, its intent, and what is important about the image.
Mar 24, · Integrations with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Teams help users access data right where they work without context switches. # Power BI Pro or Microsoft Office E5 have BI_AZURE_P2 # Power BI Premium Per User have BI_AZURE_P3 # Power BI (Free) have BI_AZURE_P0 # # For a complete list of service plans refer to # replace.me Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in. Criticism of Microsoft has followed various aspects of its products and business practices. Issues with ease of use, robustness, and security of the company’s software are common targets for critics. In the s, a number of malware mishaps targeted security flaws in Windows and other products. Microsoft was also accused of locking vendors and consumers in to their .
Criticism of Microsoft has followed various aspects of its products and business practices. Issues with ease of userobustnessand security of the company’s software are common targets for critics. In the s, a number of malware mishaps windows 10 feature download download security flaws in Windows and other products.
Microsoft was also accused of locking vendors and consumers in to their products, and of not following or complying with existing standards in its software. The company has been the microsot of numerous lawsuitsbrought by several governments and by other companies, for unlawful monopolistic practices.
Commission case, and it microsoft access 2016 user guide free an million euro fine. On September 14,Microsoft’s flagship store fref shut down by protestors as part of a direct action organized by Close the Camps NYC. From its inception, Microsoft defined itself as a platform company and understood the importance of attracting third-party programmers. It did so by providing development tools, training, access to proprietary APIs in early versions, and partner programs.
Tuide the download splitcam for windows 10 ubiquity of Microsoft software allows a user to benefit from network effectscritics and even Microsoft itself decry what they consider to be an ” embrace, extend and extinguish ” strategy of adding proprietary features to open standards or their software implementations, thereby using its market dominance to продолжить чтение unofficial ownership of standards “extended” in this way.
Microsoft software is also presented as a “safe” choice for IT managers purchasing software systems. The Windows API is so broad, so deep, accesx so functional that most independent software vendors would be crazy not to use it. And it is so deeply embedded in the source code microslft many Windows apps that there is a huge switching cost to using a different operating system instead It is this switching cost that has given the customers the patience to stick with Windows through all our mistakes, our buggy microsoft access 2016 user guide free, our high TCO total cost of ownershipour lack of a sexy vision at times, and many other difficulties [ In short, without this exclusive franchise called the Windows Guude, we would have been dead a long time ago.
Concerns were raised that this frse would hinder the use of alternate ueer systems such as Linux. In a post discussing secure boot on the Building Windows 8 blog, Microsoft developer Tony Accexs indicated that vendors would provide means to customize secure boot, stating that “At the end of the day, the customer is in control of their PC.
Microsoft’s philosophy is to provide customers with the best experience first, and allow them to make decisions themselves. Gates’ letter provoked cacess responses, with some hobbyists objecting to the broad accusation, and others supporting the principle of compensation. The Halloween documentsinternal Microsoft memos which were leaked to the open source community beginning inindicate that some Microsoft employees perceive “open source” software — in particular, Linux — as a growing long-term threat to Microsoft’s position in the software industry.
Another concern of critics is that Microsoft may be using the distribution of shared source software to harvest names of developers who have been exposed to Microsoft code, as some believe that these developers could someday be the target of lawsuits if they were ever to participate in the development of competing products.
This issue is addressed in published papers from several organizations microsoft access 2016 user guide free the American Bar Association and the Open Source Initiative. Starting microsoft access 2016 user guide free the s, Microsoft was accused of maintaining “hidden” or “secret” APIs: interfaces to its operating system software that it deliberately keeps undocumented to gain a competitive advantage in its application software products.
On October 10,Microsoft joined microsot Open Invention Network community despite holding more than 60, patents. On July gkide,Microsoft announced that it was placing their ECMA and ECMA specifications under their Community ,icrosoft pledging that they would not assert their patents against anyone implementing, distributing, or using alternative microsoft access 2016 user guide free of.
NET stack not submitted to the ECMA for standardization has been the usrr of patent violation concerns for much of the life of the project. The concerns primarily relate to accesd developed by Microsoft on top of the. NET and Windows Forms see non-standardized namespacesi. These technologies are microsoft access 2016 user guide free [ when? In June the Ubuntu Technical Board stated that it saw “no reason to exclude Mono or applications based upon it from the archive, or from the default installation set.
Fedora Project Leader Paul Frields has stated, “We do have some serious concerns about Mono and we’ll continue to look at it with our legal counsel to see what if any steps are needed on our part”, yet “We haven’t come to a legal conclusion that is pat enough for us to make the decision to guied mono out”.
In November at an Ubuntu Http://replace.me/4560.txt Summitdevelopers voted to have the Mono-based Banshee media player removed from Ubuntu’s default installation beginning on Ubuntu Mono developer Joseph Michael Shields defended the performance of Banshee on ARM, and also the claims that Banshee was not well-maintained as being a “directed personal insult” to one of its major contributors.
Microsoft ignored unauthorized copying of its own microsoft access 2016 user guide free for their benefit on the long term. While talking about users in China who don’t pay for the software they use into an audience at the 0216 of Washington, Bill Gates said “And as long as they’re microsoft access 2016 user guide free to steal it, we want them to steal ours.
They’ll get sort of addicted, and then we’ll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade. The practice allowed Microsoft to gain some dominance over the Chinese market and only then taking measures against unauthorized copies. Inby means of the Windows update gguide, a verification program called ” Windows Genuine Advantage ” WGA was downloaded and installed. This behavior angered users and generated complaints in China with a lawyer stating that “Microsoft uses its monopoly to bundle its updates with the validation programs and forces its users to verify the microsott of their software”.
A common complaint [50] comes from those who want to purchase a computer that usually comes preinstalled with Windows without a copy of Windows pre-installed and without paying extra for the license either so that another operating system can be used or because a microsott was already acquired elsewhere, such as through the MSDN Academic Alliance program.
While it is possible to obtain a computer with no or free operating systems, [56] virtually all large computer vendors continue to bundle Microsoft Windows with the majority of the personal computers in their ranges. The claimed increase in the price of a computer resulting from the inclusion of a Windows license has been called the “Windows tax” or “Microsoft tax” by opposing computer users.
Inall major OEMs microsoft access 2016 user guide free to this restriction. Microsoft does not provide refunds for Windows licenses sold through an OEM, including licenses that come with the purchase of a computer or are pre-installed on a computer. According to Microsoft’s End User License Agreement micrpsoft Windows 7 the ability to receive a refund for the operating system is увидеть больше by the hardware manufacturer: [61].
By using the software, you accept these terms. If you do not accept them, do not use the software. Instead, contact the manufacturer or installer to determine its return policy.
You must comply with that policy, which might limit your rights or require you to return the entire system on which the software is installed.
Acer Inc. Instead, contact the manufacturer or installer to determine their return microsoft access 2016 user guide free for a refund or credit. Based on the updated language, vendors refused to issue partial refunds for Windows licenses, requiring that the computer be http://replace.me/4019.txt altogether.
In some countries, this microsoft access 2016 user guide free has been ruled a violation of consumer protection law. Microsoft’s market dominance and business practices have attracted widespread resentment, which is not necessarily restricted to the company’s competitors. In a publication, Dan Geer argued the prevalence of Microsoft products has resulted in a monoculture which is dangerously easy for viruses to exploit.
Microsoft has been criticized for the use of permatemp employees employees employed acfess years as “temporary,” and microssoft without medical benefitsuse of forced retention tactics, where departing employees would be sued to prevent departure, as well micgosoft more traditional cost-saving measures, microsoft access 2016 user guide free gguide cutting medical benefits to not providing towels in microsoft access 2016 user guide free locker rooms.
Coreldraw graphics suite x7 (32bit/64bit) full version with crack file free download, Microsoft has also been accused of overworking employees, in many cases, leading to burnout within just a few years of joining the company.
The company is often referred to as a “Velvet Sweatshop”, a term which originated in a Seattle Times article, [71] and later became used to describe the детальнее на этой странице by some of Microsoft’s own employees. Microsoft access 2016 user guide free example, the kitchenettes have free beverages and many buildings include exercise rooms and showers.
However, the company has been accused of attempting to keep employees at the company for unreasonably long hours and working them too much. A US state lawsuit was brought microsot Microsoft in representing 8, current and afcess employees that had been classified as “temporary” and “freelance”, and became known as Vizcaino v. The Final Settlement [73] came in The case was decided on the IRS-defined basis microsoft access 2016 user guide free such “permatemps” had their jobs defined by Microsoft, worked alongside regular employees fuide the same work, and worked for long terms.
A side effect of the “permatemp” lawsuit is that now contract employees are prevented from participating in team morale microsoft access 2016 user guide free and other activities that uxer be construed as making them “employees”.
They are also limited to month contracts and must leave after that time for 6 months before returning under contract. Microsoft is the largest American corporate user of H-1B guest frwe visas and has joined other large technology companies like Google in recently lobbying for looser H-1B visa restrictions.
Game creator for pc download Jackson believes Microsoft should hire more minorities and women. Jackson has urged other companies to diversify their workforce. He believes that Microsoft made some progress when it appointed two women to its board iser directors in During the antitrust case United States v. MicrosoftATL sent a poll to 19 state attorneys general purporting to show that “the public believes state AGs should devote their energy to causes other than Microsoft”.
In Junethe AdTI published a report, quickly pulled under the argument that it was guidee draft microsoft access 2016 user guide free, which contained criticism of the copyleft model and the GNU General Public License. A May press release for the report stated that it would contain arguments suggesting that governments could be threatened by hackers and terrorists who could study potential vulnerabilities due to source availability if it used open source microsoft access 2016 user guide free.
However, the draft contained no references to these topics. The advert featured a newborn gulde being launched out of its mother—aging as it flies through the air, and crashing into a gravestone. Microsogt contained the tagline “Life is short, play more. The comparison included the cost of hardware, and put Linux 0216 a disadvantage by installing it on more expensive micrisoft poorer-performing hardware compared to that used for Windows.
Microsoft spokesperson Catherine Brooker expressed the belief that the article had been “heavily rree by IBM employees who supported the rival OpenDocument format, though she provided no specific evidence. Internet entrepreneur and Wikimedia Foundation founder Jimmy Wales described Microsoft’s offer as unethical. Init was found that a photo on the Polish version of Microsoft’s business productivity website—which depicted three people of various races during an office meeting—had been edited to replace the head of microsoft access 2016 user guide free African-American man with that of a Caucasianwhilst also failing to edit the person’s hand to match the different skin color.
Microsoft apologized and microwoft removed the image. InMoneylife. Sapkale was accused of breaking his own site’s privacy policy by posting the IP and email addresses giude the commenters, guie the commenting duo’s failure to declare any interest looked, at best, like astroturfing.
In details on a partnership between Machinima. This is due to the company being tax resident in Bermuda as mentioned in the accounts for ‘Microsoft Round Island One’, a accesw that collects licence fees from the use of Microsoft software worldwide. Dame Margaret Hodgea Microsoft access 2016 user guide free MP in the UK said, “It is unsurprising — yet still shocking — that massively wealthy global corporations openly, unashamedly and blatantly refuse to pay tax on the profits they make in the countries where they undertake business”.
John C. Dvorak said that in the s, Microsoft classified journalists as “Okay”, “Sketchy”, or “Needs work” and targeted “Needs work” journalists in an attempt to have them terminated. Dvorak said that he was denied information about Microsoft access 2016 user guide free because he was on a blacklist.
Microsoft along with Google, YahooCiscoAOLSkypeand other companies has cooperated with the Chinese government in implementing a system of Internet censorship. On June 4,the 32nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacresearches for the Tank Man image and videos were censored by Microsoft Bing search frse worldwide.
Hours after Microsoft acknowledged the issue, the search returned only pictures of tanks elsewhere in the world. Search engines that license results microsoft access 2016 user guide free Microsoft such as DuckDuckGo and Yahoo ссылка similar issues.
Microsoft said the issue was “due to an accidental human error. The director of Human Mivrosoft WatchKenneth Rothsaid he found the idea it micdosoft an inadvertent error “hard to believe”. David Greene, Civil Liberties Читать больше at Electronic Нажмите для деталей Foundation microsoft access 2016 user guide free, said that content hser was impossible to do perfectly and “egregious mistakes are made all the time”, but he further elaborated that “At worst, this was purposeful suppression at the request of a powerful state.
Microsoft was the first company to participate in the PRISM surveillance на этой страницеaccording to leaked NSA documents obtained by The Guardian [] and The Washington Post [] guidee Juneand acknowledged by government officials following the leak.
Microsoft has denied [] participation in such a program. In a statement, Microsoft said that they “provide customer data only in response to legal freee.
Microsoft Office XP codenamed Office 10 [7] is an office suite which was officially revealed in Uswr by Microsoft for the Windows operating system. Office XP was released to manufacturing on March 5,[8] and was later access available to retail on May 31,less than five months prior to the release of Windows XP.
X was released hp officejet 4500 software download windows 10 November 19, New features in Office XP include smart tagsa selection-based search feature that recognizes different types of text in a document so that users can perform additional actions; a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them; new document collaboration capabilities, support for MSN Groups and SharePoint ; and integrated handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities.
With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several guidw to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office. Office XP is incompatible with Windows http://replace.me/19124.txt and earlier versions of Windows.
Office XP received mostly positive reviews upon its release, with critics praising its collaboration features, document protection and recovery functionality, and smart tags; however, the suite’s handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities were criticized and were mostly viewed as inferior to similar offerings from competitors. As of Mayover 60 million Office XP licenses had been sold. Microsoft released three gkide packs for Office XP during its lifetime. At a meeting with financial analysts in JulyMicrosoft demonstrated Office XP, then known micfosoft its codename, Office 10, which included a subset of features Microsoft designed in accordance with what at the time was known as the.
NET strategyone by which it intended to provide extensive client access free various web services and features such as speech recognition. Before the acces of Office microsoft access 2016 user guide free Beta 2, there was speculation that Accfss intended to rebrand the new product as “Office ,” [22] “Office ,” [22] “Office.
NET” but unnamed sources stated that the company did not desire to do the same with Office 10, as the product was only partially related to the company’s. NET strategy. Office XP Beta 2 was released to 10, technical testers in late The Custom Maintenance Wizard, for example, now allowed setup components to be modified after their installation, and acvess setup process of Office XP itself used a new version of Windows Installer. Microsoft also terminated the product’s support for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.
Office XP was released to manufacturing on March gjide,[8] and was later made available to retail on May 31, Microsoft released three service packs for Office XP throughout the product’s lifecycle that introduced security enhancements, stability improvements, and software bug fixes; each service pack was made available as separate Client and Full File update versions.
Full File uzer did not require access to installation media and were intended for network administrators to deploy usfr to Office XP users who installed the product from a server location; microsoft access 2016 user guide free [32] [33] users could also manually install Full File updates. Service Pack 1 SP1 was released on December 11,and included performance and security improvements, as well as stability improvements based on error reports from users. Service Pack 2 SP2released on August 21, included all previously available standalone updates; some of gguide those previously released included cumulative security patches for Excel and Word vree microsoft access 2016 user guide free potentially malicious code embedded in document macros.
Earlier updates microsoft access 2016 user guide free designed to update only administrative images and fail when applied directly to clients.
Service Pack 3 SP3 was released on March 30,and included all previously released updates, as well as previously unreleased stability improvements based microsoft access 2016 user guide free feedback and error reports received microsoft access 2016 user guide free users.
SP3 fre not require any earlier service packs to be installed. Office XP microwoft a streamlined, flatter appearance compared microsoft access 2016 user guide free previous versions of Office. According to Microsoft, this change involved “removing visually competing elements, visually prioritizing items microsoft access 2016 user guide free a page, increasing letter spacing and word spacing for better readability, and defining foreground and background color to bring the most important elements to microskft front.
Excel and Word introduce smart tagscommands for specific types of text including addressescalendar datespersonal namestelephone numbersticker symbolsor tracking numbers in documents. Excel and Word support extensible smart tags that allow developers and organizations to rree custom commands related to specific information.
The smart tags used by Word are also available in Outlook if the former is configured as the default e-mail editor. The AutoCorrect and Paste Options commands in previous versions of Office have been updated to include smart tags that are shared among all Office XP programs.
The AutoCorrect smart tag provides individual options to revert an automatic correction or to prohibit an automatic correction from occurring in the future, and also provides access to the AutoCorrect Options dialog box. After the release of Office XP, Microsoft provided a repository for downloadable microsoft access 2016 user guide free tags on its website. Office XP introduces a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate microsof access to them.
Wordfor example, includes a task pane dedicated to style and formatting options. Microsoft access 2016 user guide free can switch between open task panes through the use of back and forward buttons; a drop-down list guise presents specific task panes to which users can switch. The default Startup task pane is automatically available when users launch an Office XP program and presents individual commands to open an existing file, create a new blank file or one from a templateadd a network location, or open Office Help.
Fre Search task pane includes individual Basic midrosoft Advanced modes and allows users to query local or remote locations for files. The Basic mode allows users to perform full-text searcheswhile the Advanced mode provides additional file property query options. The Office Clipboard has been redesigned as the Clipboard task pane across all Microsoft access 2016 user guide free XP programs and can accommodate up to 24 clipboard items compared to 12 in Office Clipboard items provide a visual representation to help users distinguish different types of content.
Access and Excel support exporting and importing Http://replace.me/3536.txt. Users can also save Excel workbooks as XML spreadsheets. Office XP introduces handwriting microsoft access 2016 user guide free in all Office programs, allowing users to write with a mouse or stylus instead of entering text by typing on a keyboard. Once installed, handwriting functionality is also available in Internet Explorer 5 and Outlook Express 5 or later.
The downloadable Tablet Pack for Office XP provided an extension for Windows Journal to reuse notes as Outlook items and to import meeting information from Outlook into notes. Speech recognition based on Microsoft Research technology is available for all Useer XP accdss, allowing users to dictate text into active documents, microsoft access 2016 user guide free change document formatting, and to navigate the interface by voice.
The speech microsoft access 2016 user guide free feature encompasses two different modes: Dictation, which transcribes spoken words into text; and Voice Command, which invokes interface features. Speech recognition can be installed during Office XP setup or by clicking the Speech option in the Tools menu in Word When installed, it is available as a Microphone command on the Language accesss that вам windows 10 home turn off s mode free download in the upper-right corner of the screen lower-right corner in East-Asian versions of Office XP.
When launched for the first time, speech recognition offers a tutorial to improve recognition accuracy, which begins by providing instructions to adjust the microphone for optimal performance. Users can configure speech recognition settings, including pronunciation sensitivity in voice command mode, accuracy and recognition response time in dictation mode, and microphone settings through the Speech control panel applet. The Regional and Language Options applet provides Language toolbar and additional microsft.
With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several usfr to address reliability нажмите чтобы узнать больше observed in previous versions of Office:. Additionally, all Office XP programs provide options for users to digitally sign documents.
When upgrading from a previous version of Office, Office XP retains the user’s previous configuration. The Custom Installation Gkide can prohibit the installation, use, or uninstallation of programs or features such as the Microsoft access 2016 user guide free from Network and Installed on First Use setup options. Finally, the Custom Maintenance Wizard has been updated to provide customization options to configure Office XP including user preferences and security settings.
In an effort to curtail software piracyMicrosoft incorporated product activation technology into all versions of Office XP to prohibit users from источник статьи a single copy of the software in a manner that violates the end-user license agreement EULA. The EULA allows a single user to install one copy each on a primary device and a portable device such as a laptop.
Users who нажмите сюда substantial hardware changes to an Office XP device may need to reactivate the accesd through the Internet or by telephone. Product activation does not require personally identifiable information.
Office XP introduced an optional subscription-based uwer model that allowed consumers microsodt annually license привожу ссылку product and receive incremental updates at a reduced price when compared with the cost of a full retail version. Microsoft originally acccess to deliver the activation model to United States customers after the retail availability of Office XP on May 31,but later decided to make it available to consumers in “a few select locations” instead, citing a more cautious delivery approach.
Microsotf new “Ask a Question” feature appears in the top-right corner of all Office XP programs mifrosoft allows users to type natural language questions and receive answers without opening the Office Assistant “Clippy” or Acdess Help. Additionally, Office Help has been updated to aggregate and display content from the Internet in response to a query. The Office Assistant is now disabled by default and only appears when Help is activated.
The component products were packaged together in various suites. Some of these editions were available as retail packages in either full or upgrade versions, others as full OEM versions for inclusion with new PCs, and still others as volume license versions that required no activation. All editions provided the core components of Word, Excel, and Outlook, and all editions except the Small Business edition provided PowerPoint.
Microsoft Office XP received mixed to positive reviews after its release. Micrisoft praised the new collaboration and data recovery features, and stated that Office XP offered a “host of incremental improvements” over its predecessor, Officebut ultimately concluded that “most enhancements and additions are better suited for groups нажмите чтобы прочитать больше individuals.
While most assessments of Office XP were positive, the speech recognition gkide was frequently criticized due to its inaccuracy and lack of advanced functionality. CNET regarded it as microsoft outlook gratuit free download lame” because of its inability to recognize text editing yser such as “select the sentence” and because it required users to manually switch between command and dictation modes.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Version of Microsoft Office suite. These applications make up the Standard edition. Windows NT 4. List of languages. Main article: Smart tag Microsoft. Intel Microsoft access 2016 user guide free III. Hardware accelerated video microsoft access 2016 user guide free or MMX processor.
An audio output device and microphone are required for speech recognition. Collaboration features require Office 97 or later Internet access is required for product activation and online functionality. Touchscreen for handwriting functionality. News Center. May 31, Retrieved February 25, Download Center.
March 30, Archived from the original on January 5, Office Support. May 30, Archived from the original on December 1, Archived from the original on March 7, Retrieved April 9, August 6, Archived from the original on April 14, Retrieved February guie,
Best practices for making PowerPoint presentations accessible.Microsoft access 2016 user guide free
In the To box, enter the name of the person to whom you want to send the subscription information. The calendar appears to the recipient within the message body.
The attached iCalendar file with a file extension of. When an. When opened as an Outlook calendar, the recipient can view the received calendar in side-by-side or overlay views.
The recipient can also drag calendar items from the received calendar to another Outlook calendar. You can share your Outlook calendars by publishing them to Microsoft Office Online. Office Online provides a free way to share calendars and lets you control who has access to them. Furthermore, you can publish or view calendars on Office Online even if you do not use an Exchange account. Using Office Online is a great way to share calendar information if you use POP3 or IMAP email accounts, the most common types of personal or small business email accounts.
In Calendar , in the Navigation Pane , right-click the calendar you want to publish. Note: If you are using the Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane , click the Calendar button , click Navigation Pane , and then right-click the calendar you want to publish.
Tip: If you want to publish your default calendar, click Publish My Calendar in the Navigation Pane , and then proceed with step 3. If you do not have a free Windows Live ID account, you can create one. Follow the instructions on your screen. Next to Permissions , choose whether your calendar information can be viewed by specified people only or searched and viewed by anyone using Office Online.
Only invited users can view this calendar If you click this option, an Outlook sharing email message opens after the calendar is published to Office Online. You can send the sharing email message to each person to whom who you want to grant access to your calendar. The sharing message automatically includes a link to the calendar and you can type a message if you want to.
Anyone can view and search for this calendar on Office Online If you click this option, anyone who knows the link to your calendar can view it. People do not need a Windows Live ID account to log on or sign in to a service. In addition, Office Online users can find this calendar when searching for calendars. If you are publishing a calendar that anyone can view and search, type a description of your calendar in the Description box.
This information helps other Office Online users find your calendar. Share a contacts folder with others. Share calendar. Share an Outlook calendar with other people. Share your Microsoft or Outlook. Choose the calendar you want to share from the drop-down menu. In the Calendar Properties dialog box, click Add. The person you’ve shared your calendar with will receive a sharing invitation by email.
I see a “This calendar can’t be shared” error If you see a message that says This calendar can’t be shared , there are three possible reasons. The email address is invalid. The email address is an Microsoft Group The email belongs to an external user who isn’t part of your organization. What permissions people have to your calendar You can choose from several different permission levels when sharing your calendar. Those sharing your calendar with this permission level can only see which times you’re available, like this: Can view titles and locations.
Those sharing your calendar with this permission level will see availability and the subject and meeting location, like this: Can view all details. Stop sharing your calendar At any time you can revoke access to your calendar.
Click Calendar. Click OK. Share a calendar by publishing it to a web page If you have access to a web server that supports the World Wide Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning WebDAV protocol, you can publish your calendar there.
Notes: As the manager, your mail must be delivered to your mailbox on the Exchange server, not to a Personal Folders file. You and the delegate must use the same version of Office Outlook. Need more help? Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback?
Make videos accessible to people who are blind or have low vision or people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Subtitles typically contain a transcription or translation of the dialogue. Closed captions typically also describe audio cues such as music or sound effects that occur off-screen.
Video description means audio-narrated descriptions of a video’s key visual elements. These descriptions are inserted into natural pauses in the program’s dialogue. Video description makes video more accessible to people who are blind or have low vision.
Include accessibility tags to PDF files you create from your presentation. The tags make it possible for screen readers and other assistive technologies to read and navigate a document. Top of Page. The Accessibility Checker is a tool that reviews your content and flags accessibility issues it comes across. It explains why each issue might be a potential problem for someone with a disability. The Accessibility Checker also suggests how you can resolve the issues that appear.
In PowerPoint, the Accessibility Checker runs automatically in the background when you’re creating a document. If the Accessibility Checker detects accessibility issues, you will get a reminder in the status bar. The Accessibility pane opens, and you can now review and fix accessibility issues.
For more info, go to Improve accessibility with the Accessibility Checker. Tip: Use the Accessibility Reminder add-in for Office to notify authors and contributors of accessibility issues in their documents. With the add-in, you can quickly add reminder comments that spread awareness of accessibility issues and encourage the use of the Accessibility Checker.
For more info, go to Use the Accessibility Reminder to notify authors of accessibility issues. The following procedures describe how to make the slides in your PowerPoint presentations accessible. For more info, go to Video: Create accessible slides and Video: Design slides for people with dyslexia. Use one of the accessible PowerPoint templates to make sure that your slide design, colors, contrast, and fonts are accessible for all audiences.
They are also designed so that screen readers can more easily read the slide content. In the Search for Online templates and themes text field, type accessible templates and press Enter. One simple step towards inclusivity is having a unique, descriptive title on each slide, even if it isn’t visible. A person with a visual disability that uses a screen reader relies on the slide titles to know which slide is which. Use the Accessibility ribbon to make sure every slide has a title.
For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the “Use the Accessibility ribbon to title a slide” section. You can position a title off the slide. That way, the slide has a title for accessibility, but you save space on the slide for other content. For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the “Put a title on a slide, but make the title invisible” section.
If you want all or many of your slide titles to be hidden, you can modify the slide master. For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the “Systematically hide slide titles” section. If you’ve moved or edited a placeholder on a slide, you can reset the slide to its original design. All formatting for example, fonts, colors, effects go back to what has been assigned in the template. Restoring the design might also help you find title placeholders which need a unique title.
To restore all placeholders for the selected slide, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, select Reset. Some people with visual disabilities use a screen reader to read the information on the slide. When you create slides, putting the objects in a logical reading order is crucial for screen reader users to understand the slide.
Use the Accessibility Checker and the Reading Order pane to set the order in which the screen readers read the slide contents. When the screen reader reads the slide, it reads the objects in the order they are listed in the Reading Order pane. For the step-by-step instructions how to set the reading order, go to Make slides easier to read by using the Reading Order pane.
PowerPoint has built-in, predesigned slide designs that contain placeholders for text, videos, pictures, and more. They also contain all the formatting, such as theme colors, fonts, and effects. To make sure that your slides are accessible, the built-in layouts are designed so that the reading order is the same for people who use assistive technologies such as screen readers and people who see.
For more info, go to Video: Use accessible colors and styles in slides. Expand the Themes gallery and select the slide layout that you want. PowerPoint automatically applies this layout to the presentation. In general, avoid tables if possible and present the data another way, like paragraphs with headings. Tables with fixed width might prove difficult to read for people who use Magnifier, because such tables force the content to a specific size. This makes the font very small, which forces Magnifier users to scroll horizontally, especially on mobile devices.
If you have to use tables, use the following guidelines to make sure your table is as accessible as possible:. If you have hyperlinks in your table, edit the link texts, so they make sense and don’t break mid-sentence. Make sure the slide content is easily read with Magnifier. Screen readers keep track of their location in a table by counting table cells. Blank cells in a table could also mislead someone using a screen reader into thinking that there is nothing more in the table.
Use a simple table structure for data only and specify column header information. Screen readers also use header information to identify rows and columns. Visual content includes pictures, SmartArt graphics, shapes, groups, charts, embedded objects, ink, and videos. In alt text, briefly describe the image, its intent, and what is important about the image.
Tip: To write a good alt text, make sure to convey the content and the purpose of the image in a concise and unambiguous manner. Do not repeat the surrounding textual content as alt text or use phrases referring to images, such as, “a graphic of” or “an image of. Avoid using text in images as the sole method of conveying important information. If you use images with text in them, repeat the text in the slide.
In alt text of such images, mention the existence of the text and its intent. PowerPoint for PC in Microsoft automatically generates alt texts for photos, stock images, and the PowerPoint icons by using intelligent services in the cloud.
Always check the autogenerated alt texts to make sure they convey the right message. If necessary, edit the text. For charts, SmartArt, screenshots, or shapes, you need to add the alt texts manually. For the step-by-step instructions on how to add or edit alt text, go to Add alternative text to a shape, picture, chart, SmartArt graphic, or other object and Video: Improve image accessibility in PowerPoint.
In the Alt Text pane, spelling errors are marked with a red squiggly line under the word. To correct the spelling, right-click the word and select from the suggested alternatives. In the Alt Text pane, you can also select Generate a description for me to have Microsoft cloud-powered intelligent services create a description for you. You see the result in the alt text field. Remember to delete any comments PowerPoint added there, for example, “Description automatically generated.
Note: For audio and video content, in addition to alt text, include closed captioning for people who are deaf or have limited hearing. People who use screen readers sometimes scan a list of links. Links should convey clear and accurate information about the destination. For example, avoid using link texts such as “Click here,” “See this page,” Go here,” or “Learn more.
For more information, see Import from an Excel Table. In the Excel Browse dialog box, browse for or type a path to the file that you want to query. For more information about advanced connector options, see Excel Workbook. The following procedure shows the basic steps. For more detailed coverage, see Import or export text. In the Comma-Separated Values Browse dialog box, browse for or type a path to the file that you want to query. Note: If you are importing data from a CSV file, Power Query will automatically detect column delimiters including column names and types.
For example, if you imported the example CSV file below, Power Query automatically uses the first row as the column names and changes each column data type. The following procedure shows the basic steps of importing data. For more detailed coverage, see Import XML data.
After the connection succeeds, use the Navigator pane to browse and preview the collections of items in the XML file in a tabular form. For more information about advanced connector options, see XML. The Import Data dialog box appears. For more information about advanced connector options, see JSON.
NET Framework 4. You can download the latest. NET Framework from here. Select your PDF file, and then click Open. The Navigator dialog box opens your PDF and displays available tables. For more information about advanced connector options, see PDF. You can import data from several files having a similar schema and format from a folder. Then, you can append the data into one table. In the Browse dialog box, locate the folder, and then select Open. For detailed steps, see Import data from a folder with multiple files.
For more information about advanced connector options, see Folder. You can import data from several files having a similar schema and format from a SharePoint library.
In the SharePoint Folder dialog box, enter the root URL for the SharePoint site not including any reference to a library, and then navigate to the library. For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint folder. Optionally, you can specify a Database Name as well.
If you want to import data using a native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box. Windows This is the default selection. Select this if you want to connect using Windows authentication. After you select this, specify a user name and password to connect to your SQL Server instance.
By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.
If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an unencrypted connection. Click OK in the message to connect using an unencrypted connection. For more information about advanced connector options, see SQL Server database. In the Import Data dialog box, browse for and locate the Access database file. Select the file, and then select Open. The Navigator dialog box appears.
If you have many tables and queries, use the Search box to locate an object or use the Display Options along with the Refresh button to filter the list. For more information about advanced connector options, see Access database. Note When you use a workbook connected to a SQL Server Analysis Services database, you may need additional information to answer specific product questions, such as reference information about multidimensional expressions MDX , or configuration procedures for an online analytical processing OLAP server.
The first page of the Data Connection Wizard appears. Its title is Connect to Database Server. Tip: If you know the name of the offline cube file that you want to connect to, you can type the complete file path, file name, and extension.
Under Log on credentials , do one of the following, then click Next :. To use your current Windows user name and password, click Use Windows Authentication. To enter a database user name and password, click Use the following User Name and Password , and then type your user name and password in the corresponding User Name and Password boxes.
Use strong passwords that combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Weak passwords don’t mix these elements. For example, Y6dh! Passwords should contain 8 or more characters. A pass phrase that uses 14 or more characters is better. It is critical that you remember your password. If you forget your password, Microsoft cannot retrieve it.
Store the passwords that you write down in a secure place away from the information that they help protect. Select Next to go to the second wizard screen.
Its title is Select Database and Table. To connect to a specific cube file in the database, make sure that Connect to a specific cube or table is selected, and then select a cube from the list. In the Select the database that contains the data you want box, select a database, and then click Next. Click Next to go to the third wizard screen. Click Browse to change the default file location of My Data Sources , or check for existing file names. In the Description , Friendly Name , and Search Keywords boxes, type a description of the file, a friendly name, and common search words all are optional.
To ensure that the connection file is used when the PivotTable is refreshed, click Always attempt to use this file to refresh this data. Selecting this check box ensures that updates to the connection file will always be used by all workbooks that use that connection file.
You can specify how a PivotTable is accessed if the workbook is saved to Excel Services and is opened by using Excel Services. If you want to ensure that the same data is accessed whether you open the workbook in Excel or Excel Services, make sure that the authentication setting in Excel is the same. Select Authentication Settings , and select one of the following options to log on to the data source:. Windows Authentication Select this option to use the Windows username and password of the current user.
This is the most secure method, but it can affect performance when there are many users. A site administrator can configure a SharePoint site to use a Single Sign On database where a username and password can be stored. This method can be the most efficient when there are many users. None Select this option to save the username and password in the connection file.
Important: Avoid saving logon information when connecting to data sources. This information may be stored as plain text, and a malicious user could access the information to compromise the security of the data source.
Select Finish to close the Data Connection Wizard. Decide how you want to import the data, and then select OK. For more information about using this dialog box, select the question mark? You can connect to a specific offline cube file if it has been created on the database server. You can also import data into Excel as either a Table or a PivotTable report.
In the Navigator pane select the database, and then select the cube or tables you want to connect. Click Load to load the selected table into a worksheet, or click Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations in the Power Query Editor before loading it. Note: Before you can connect to an Oracle database using Power Query , you need the Oracle client software v8.
If you want to import data using native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box. For more information, see Import data from database using Native Database Query. For more information about advanced connector options, see Oracle Database. Select the driver that matches your Power Query installation bit or bit. For more information, see Import data from a database using Native Database Query. For more information about advanced connector options, see MySQL database.
Select the driver that matches your Office version bit or bit. For more information, see Which version of Office am I using? Advertising Standards Authority.
Archived from the original on January 29, Retrieved March 31, IT Business Edge. Archived from the original on November 26, Archived from the original on November 3, NBC News. Archived from the original on December 5, BBC News. August 26, Archived from the original on May 28, Archived from the original on February 4, Retrieved January 14, Archived from the original on January 20, Retrieved January 21, Archived from the original on September 4, Retrieved September 4, The Irish Times.
Retrieved June 3, Boing Boing. Retrieved February 15, Microsoft Got Tougher”. July 17, PC Magazine. Archived from the original on January 13, Retrieved August 26, August 9, Archived from the original on November 22, Retrieved November 23, August 10, Retrieved February 6, June 4, June 5, The Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on August 18, Internet companies in broad secret program”.
Archived from the original on June 9, Archived from the original on February 16, Retrieved February 18, Tech Crunch. June 6, Archived from the original on June 13, Archived from the original on November 19, Retrieved July 12, Archived from the original on July 12, Retrieved July 30, Ziff Davis.
Archived from the original on July 30, Retrieved July 31, Archived from the original on June 8, July 29, May 30, Retrieved May 31, May 29, Archived from the original on March 1, Retrieved March 4, Archived from the original on February 28, February 25, Archived from the original on October 8, Retrieved September 29, Archived from the original on May 16, September 14, Archived from the original on April 16, Retrieved July 3, Retrieved January 23, Xbox Wire.
January 22, August 30, Microsoft tries to get twice-rejected compression patent past skeptical examiners”. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Australian Strategic Policy Institute. History Outline. Bill Gates Paul Allen. Archived from the original on February 25, Retrieved January 1, Retrieved July 25, Keynote Support.
Retrieved January 23, September Archived from the original DOC on November 4, May 13, March 11, Net strategy”. And happy new year to you! December 27, Archived from the original on August 21, NET technologies at financial meeting”. Supersite for Windows. Archived from the original on March 30, Retrieved December 28, Archived from the original on April 6, Archived from the original on March 2, Archived from the original on June 1, Archived from the original on August 22, Retrieved March 11, Archived from the original on February 22, Archived from the original on September 8, Office XP Resource Kit.
March 9, Archived from the original on April 10, Retrieved July 4, September 25, Archived from the original on December 11, Archived from the original on December 29, Archived from the original DOC on September 30, Retrieved February 27, PC Magazine. Ziff Davis. Assistance Center. Archived from the original on December 16, Archived from the original on December 12, ESPN Inc. Archived from the original on August 20, Expedia, Inc. Archived from the original on June 23, Archived from the original on November 7, Archived from the original on December 18, January 4,
Note When you use a workbook connected to a SQL Server Analysis Services database, you may need additional information to answer specific product questions, such as reference information about multidimensional expressions (MDX), or configuration procedures for an online analytical processing (OLAP) server.. Select Data > Get External Data > From Database > From . Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in. Microsoft Office XP (codenamed Office 10) is an office suite which was officially revealed in July by Microsoft for the Windows operating replace.me XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , and was later made available to retail on May 31, , less than five months prior to the release of Windows XP. It is the successor to Office and the predecessor of . After you access a shared calendar for the first time, the calendar is added to the Shared Calendars list in the Navigation Pane, where you can access it the next time that you want to view it. To share your calendar with another Exchange user: On the Home tab, in the Share group, click Share Calendar.
If you have an Exchange, Microsoftor Outlook. Calendar sharing isn’t limited to the default Calendar userr that is created in all Outlook profiles. You can create additional calendar folders and choose which of those folders to share. For example, you can create a calendar folder for a specific project and share it with your co-workers.
Optionally, you can grant them permission to modify the events and appointments in the calendar. From your Calendar folder, on the Home menu, select Share Calendar. You can search for people from your address book or type in their email addresses in the Add box.
When you’re done adding names in accss Add Users dialog box, click OK. Back in the Calendar 206 dialog uset, select the person’s name or access address, then choose the level of details that you want to share with the person, then microosft OK. Once the recipient clicks Acceptthey’ll see your shared calendar in their calendar list.
I see a “This calendar can’t be shared” error. If you microsofh a message that says This calendar can’t be giidethere are three possible reasons. Can view when I’m busy. Those sharing your calendar with this permission level can only see which times you’re available, like this:. Can view titles and locations.
Those sharing your calendar with this permission level will see availability microsoft access 2016 user guide free the subject and meeting location, like this:. Can view all details. Those sharing your calendar with this permission level will see all details of your appointments, just like what you see.
At any time you can revoke access to ussr calendar. Note that it may take a guixe for Microsoft and the user’s Outlook to sync and remove the view to your calendar. Frde the Permissions tab, click the user’s name and then choose Remove. Your server administrator or internet service provider ISP should be able to tell you. This lets you publish your calendar directly to an Exchange Server. In the window that opens, select the publishing options you want, and click Start Publishing.
This will prevent you from publishing your calendar to Exchange in the future, however. If you don’t want to give someone permissions to share your calendar and see updates, перейти can email a static copy of your calendar for a specific date range. The recipient will be able to see the events on your calendar at the time you sent the email, but not any updates you ussr after you send the email. Note: This feature is no longer available with Outlook for Microsoft In the Calendar and Date Range boxes, pick the calendar and time period you want to share.
For example, choose Today only or for the Next 7 days. In the new email that opens, add who you want the message to go to in the To field, add a message if you want, and читать Send. The message also includes an attached iCalendar. When the recipient clicks the iCalendar file, Outlook displays the file as a new calendar that they can acecss side-by-side with their calendar. They can drag appointments or meetings gide the two calendars, and find a time that works for both of microsovt.
Sharing your calendar in Outlook Web App. Important: Office is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft to work anywhere from any device and continue to receive support. Upgrade now.
Share calendars by email. Share calendars using a Yser Exchange Server account. Share a calendar by publishing it online. You microsoft access 2016 user guide free edit the Calendar Snapshot before sending. For example, you can change fonts or highlight days or appointments. On the Home tab, in the Share group, click E-mail Calendar. In the Date Range box, click microsoft access 2016 user guide free time period that you want the calendar to show.
An Outlook user who receives the Calendar by email can choose to open the Calendar Snapshot in Outlook. Microsoft Exchange Server enables calendar sharing with others who have Exchange accounts. Your calendars can be viewed only by others to whom you have granted permissions.
If the other person whose calendar you want to open has not granted you permission to view it, Outlook prompts you to ask the microsoft access 2016 user guide free http://replace.me/12643.txt the permission that you need. Giide you access a shared calendar for the first time, the calendar is added to the Shared Calendars list in the Navigation Pane, where you can microsoft access 2016 user guide free it the next time that you want to view it.
On the Home tab, in the Share group, click Share Calendar. In the Sharing Invitation that appears, по этому адресу the person who you microsof to share with in the To box. The recipient sees an email notification that you have shared your calendar. You can also request that the recipient share his or her Exchange Calendar with you.
Tip: If you want to mkcrosoft a calendar that you created that is not your default Calendar, in the Navigation Pane, right-click the calendar name, and then click Share calendar name.
You can publish your default Outlook Calendar to the Internet, which enables more people to view it. Microsoft access 2016 user guide free an Internet Calendar requires neither the publisher nor the user to use an Exchange account.
Publish to Outlook. To share your Outlook calendar on Outlook. Save a calendar as an. Learn how to create one at Outlook. Your Internet service provider ISP might provide features and tools to enable you to publish your calendar as a webpage.
Contact your ISP to verify whether that feature is available to you. Open another person’s Exchange Calendar. Allow someone microsoft access 2016 user guide free to manage your mail and calendar.
Create, view, or delete a calendar group. Manage another person’s mail and calendar items. You can share a one-time copy ссылка на страницу your calendar that is not updated called Calendar Snapshots or share calendars that can be updated by publishing them to web sites that support the WebDAV protocol. Share your calendar with other Exchange users. Share calendars with anyone. Publish a calendar to Office Online.
Most home and personal accounts do not use Microsoft Exchange. Acess more information about Microsoft Exchange accounts and how to determine which version of Exchange your account connects to, see the links in the See Also section. Share your default Calendar folder with specific people. Share your default Calendar folder with everyone. Share a custom calendar folder with specific accees. Share a custom calendar folder with everyone. Revoke or change other microsoft access 2016 user guide free access to your calendar folders.
Share your calendar by using Delegate Access. For information on requesting access to someone else’s shared calendar, microsoft access 2016 user guide free Open another person’s Exchange Calendar. The default Calendar folder in Outlook is created in each Outlook mcirosoft.
This folder cannot be renamed or deleted. Click this check box to specify that microsoft access 2016 user guide free want to ask the recipient to share his or her calendar with you. This microsoft access 2016 user guide free optional. Microsoft access 2016 user guide free the To box, enter the name of the recipient for the sharing invitation message. In addition, you can request permissions to view the recipient’s очень microsoft project 2016 key finder free download Вам Calendar folder.
To do so, select the Request permission to view recipient’s Calendar check box. Note: If you want to request access to a calendar folder other than the default Calendar folder, you must guiide an e-mail message asking for permissions to that particular folder. This option requests access to the recipient’s default Calendar folder only.
In Calendarin the Navigation Pane, right-click the microsift Calendar folder. This is usually under My Calendar gkide, and is displayed as Calendar. Note: If you are using продолжить Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane, clickclick Navigation Paneright-click the calendar that you want to share, and then click Share calendar name.
This is usually under My Calendars and is displayed as Calendar. On the Permissions tab, in the Name box, click Default. Under Permissionsin the Permission Level list, click a permission level.
With this permission level or role. Create, micrsoft, modify, and delete all items and files, and acecss subfolders. As the folder owner, you can change the permission levels that other people have for the folder.
Does not apply to delegates.
You can import data into Excel from a wide variety of data sources and the sections that follow жмите сюда you how. For more information on what to do with your data once it’s imported, see How data journeys through Excel.
You can create a query from an Excel table, named range, or dynamic array in the current workbook. Importing dynamic arrays requires a Microsoft subscription. For more information on dynamic arrays, see Dynamic array formulas and spilled array behavior. If prompted, in the Create Table dialog box, you can select the Range Selection button to select a specific range to use as a data source.
If the table or range of data has column headers, select My table has headers. The header cells are used to define the column names for the query. For more information, see Import from an Excel Table. In the Excel Browse dialog box, browse for or type a path to the file that you want to query.
For more information about advanced connector options, see Excel Workbook. The following microsoft access 2016 user guide free shows the basic steps. For more detailed coverage, see Import or export text. In the Comma-Separated Values Browse dialog box, browse for or type a path to the file that you want to query. Note: If you are importing data from a CSV file, Power Query will automatically detect column delimiters including column names and types. For example, if you imported the example CSV file below, Power Query automatically uses the first row as the column names and changes each column data type.
The following procedure shows the basic steps of importing data. For more detailed coverage, see Import XML data. After по этой ссылке connection succeeds, use the Navigator pane to browse and preview the collections of items in the XML file in a tabular form.
For more information about advanced connector options, see XML. Microsoft access 2016 user guide free Import Data dialog box appears. For more information about advanced connector options, see JSON. NET Framework 4. You can download the latest. NET Framework from here. Select your PDF file, and then microsoft access 2016 user guide free Open. The Navigator dialog box opens your PDF and displays available tables.
For more information about advanced connector options, see PDF. You can import data from several files having a similar schema and format from a folder. Then, you can append the data into one table.
In the Browse dialog box, locate the folder, and then select Open. For detailed steps, see Import data from a folder with multiple files. For more information about advanced connector options, see Folder. You can import data from several microsoft access 2016 user guide free having a similar schema and format from a SharePoint library. In the SharePoint Folder dialog box, enter the root URL for the SharePoint site not including any reference to a library, and then navigate to the library.
For more жмите сюда about advanced connector options, see SharePoint folder. Optionally, you can specify a Database Name as well. If you want to import data using a native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box.
Windows This is the default selection. Select this if you want to connect using Windows authentication. After you select this, specify a user name and password to connect to your SQL Server instance. By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Читать полностью Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.
If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts microsoft access 2016 user guide free to connect using an unencrypted connection. Click OK in the message to connect using an unencrypted connection. For more information about advanced connector options, see SQL Server database. In the Import Data dialog box, browse for and locate the Access database file. Select the file, and then select Open. The Navigator dialog box appears.
If you have many tables and queries, use the Search box to locate an object or use the Display Options along with the Refresh button to filter the list.
For more information about advanced connector options, see Access database. Note When you use a workbook connected to a SQL Server Analysis Services database, you may need additional information to answer specific product questions, such as reference information about multidimensional expressions MDXor configuration procedures for an online analytical processing OLAP server.
The first page of the Data Connection Wizard appears. Its title is Connect to Database Server. Tip: If you know the name of the offline cube file that you want to connect to, you can type the complete file path, file name, and extension.
Under Log on credentialsdo one of the following, then click Next :. To use your current Windows user name and password, click Use Windows Authentication. To enter нажмите чтобы узнать больше database user name and password, click Use the following User Name and Passwordand then type your user name and password in the corresponding User Name and Password boxes.
Use strong passwords that combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Weak passwords don’t mix these microsoft access 2016 user guide free.
For example, Y6dh! Passwords should contain 8 or more characters. Microsoft access 2016 user guide free pass phrase that uses 14 or more characters is better. It is critical that you remember your password. If you forget your password, Microsoft cannot retrieve it.
Store the passwords that you write down in a secure place away from the information that they help protect. Select Next to go to the second wizard screen. Its title is Select Database and Table. To connect to a specific cube file in the database, make sure that Microsoft access 2016 user guide free to a specific cube or table is selected, and then select a cube from the list.
In the Select the database that contains the data you want box, select a database, and then click Next. Click Next to go to the third wizard screen. Click Browse to change the default file location of My Data Sourcesor check for existing file names.
In the DescriptionFriendly Nameand Search Keywords boxes, type a description of the file, a friendly name, and common search words all are optional.
To ensure that the connection file is used when the PivotTable is refreshed, click Always attempt to use this file to refresh this data. Selecting this check box ensures that updates to the connection file will always be used by all workbooks that use that connection file.
You can specify how a PivotTable is accessed if the workbook is saved to Excel Microsoft access 2016 user guide free and is opened by using Excel Services. If you want to ensure that the same data is accessed whether you open the workbook in Excel or Excel Services, make sure that the authentication http://replace.me/10346.txt in Excel is the same. Select Authentication Settingsand select one of the following options to log on to the data source:. Windows Authentication Select this microsoft access 2016 user guide free to use the Windows username microsoft access 2016 user guide free password of the current user.
This is the most secure method, but it can affect performance when there are many users. A site administrator can configure a SharePoint site to use нажмите сюда Single Sign On database where a username and password can be stored.
This method can be the most efficient when there are many users. None Select this option to save the username and password in the connection file. Important: Avoid saving logon information when connecting to data sources.
This information may be stored as plain text, and a malicious user could access the information to compromise the security of the data source. Select Finish to close the Data Connection Wizard.
Decide how you want to import the data, and then select OK. For more information about using this dialog box, select the question mark? You can connect to a specific offline cube file if it has been created on the database server.
You can also import data into Excel as either a Microsoft access 2016 user guide free or a PivotTable report. In the Navigator pane select the database, and then select the cube or tables you want to connect. Click Load to load the selected table into a worksheet, or click Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations in the Power Query Editor before loading it.
Note: Before you can connect to an Microsoft access 2016 user guide free database using Power Queryyou need the Oracle client software v8. If you want to import data using native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box. For вот ссылка information, see Import data from microsoft access 2016 user guide free using Microsoft access 2016 user guide free Database Query.
For more information about advanced connector options, see Oracle Database. Select the driver that matches your Power Query installation bit or bit. For more information, see Import data from a database using Native Database Query.
For more information about advanced connector options, see MySQL database.
Criticism of Microsoft – Wikipedia.In this topic
Mar 24, · Integrations with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Teams help users access data right where they work without context switches. # Power BI Pro or Microsoft Office E5 have BI_AZURE_P2 # Power BI Premium Per User have BI_AZURE_P3 # Power BI (Free) have BI_AZURE_P0 # # For a complete list of service plans refer to # replace.me Note When you use a workbook connected to a SQL Server Analysis Services database, you may need additional information to answer specific product questions, such as reference information about multidimensional expressions (MDX), or configuration procedures for an online analytical processing (OLAP) server.. Select Data > Get External Data > From Database > From . Feb 11, · To deliver a managed service experience, Amazon RDS does not provide shell access to DB instances, and it restricts access to certain system procedures and tables that require advanced privileges. Amazon RDS supports access to databases on a DB instance using any standard SQL client application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Dec 04, · Summary: Guest blogger and Windows PowerShell Guru Klaus Schulte talks about using Oracle replace.me and Windows PowerShell to simplify data access to Oracle databases. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. It is early in the morning in Frankfurt, Germany, and the Scripting Wife and I just returned from Prague where we had a wonderful .
Он находился на северной стороне башни и, по всей видимости, преодолел уже половину подъема. За углом показалась смотровая площадка. Лестница, ведущая наверх, была пуста. Его жертва не приготовилась к отпору.
Feb 11, · To deliver a managed service experience, Amazon RDS does not provide shell access to DB instances, and it restricts access to certain system procedures and tables that require advanced privileges. Amazon RDS supports access to databases on a DB instance using any standard SQL client application such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Note When you use a workbook connected to a SQL Server Analysis Services database, you may need additional information to answer specific product questions, such as reference information about multidimensional expressions (MDX), or configuration procedures for an online analytical processing (OLAP) server.. Select Data > Get External Data > From Database > From . After you access a shared calendar for the first time, the calendar is added to the Shared Calendars list in the Navigation Pane, where you can access it the next time that you want to view it. To share your calendar with another Exchange user: On the Home tab, in the Share group, click Share Calendar. Criticism of Microsoft has followed various aspects of its products and business practices. Issues with ease of use, robustness, and security of the company’s software are common targets for critics. In the s, a number of malware mishaps targeted security flaws in Windows and other products. Microsoft was also accused of locking vendors and consumers in to their . Microsoft wants to provide the best possible experience for all our customers. If you have a disability or questions related to accessibility, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical assistance. The Disability Answer Desk support team is trained in using many popular assistive technologies and can offer assistance in.
September Archived from the original DOC on November 4, May 13, March 11, Net strategy”. And happy new year to you! December 27, Archived from the original on August 21, NET technologies at financial meeting”. Supersite for Windows. Archived from the original on March 30, Retrieved December 28, Archived from the original on April 6, Archived from the original on March 2, Archived from the original on June 1, Archived from the original on August 22, Retrieved March 11, Archived from the original on February 22, Archived from the original on September 8, Office XP Resource Kit.
March 9, Archived from the original on April 10, Retrieved July 4, September 25, Archived from the original on December 11, Archived from the original on December 29, Archived from the original DOC on September 30, Retrieved February 27, PC Magazine.
Ziff Davis. Assistance Center. Archived from the original on December 16, Archived from the original on December 12, ESPN Inc. Archived from the original on August 20, Expedia, Inc. Archived from the original on June 23, Archived from the original on November 7, Archived from the original on December 18, January 4, Archived from the original on December 15, Archived from the original on February 1, Retrieved March 1, Retrieved February 28, Retrieved March 2, Set the reading order of slide contents When creating a new slide, use the built-in slide designs.
Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order Add meaningful hyperlink text and ScreenTips. Notes: For audio and video content, in addition to alt text, include closed captioning for people who are deaf or have limited hearing. What to fix Why fix it How to fix it Include alternative text with all visuals and tables.
Visual content includes pictures, shapes, charts, embedded objects, ink, and videos. Add alt text to images, tables, and shapes Ensure that color is not the only means of conveying information. Use an accessible slide design Use sufficient contrast for text and background colors. Use an accessible slide design Use a simple table structure for data only, and specify column header information.
Use table headers Use a larger font size 18pt or larger , sans serif fonts, and sufficient white space. Use an accessible slide design Format text for accessibility Make videos accessible to visually impaired and hearing-impaired users Subtitles typically contain a transcription or translation of the dialogue.
Select the element, for example, an image. Mark visuals as decorative If your visuals are purely decorative and add visual interest but aren’t informative, you can mark them as such without needing to write any alt text. Select the visual, for example, a picture or chart. Select Alt Text.
Use an accessible slide design Use one of the included slide Themes to make sure that your slide design is accessible. Select a slide. Tap Themes and then select the theme you want. Use table headers Position the cursor anywhere in a table.
Tap Style Options and then select Header Row. In your table, type the column headings. Format text for accessibility Select your text. On the Home tab, select your text formatting options. Use captions, subtitles, and alternative audio tracks in videos PowerPoint supports the playback of video with multiple audio tracks.
To make your PowerPoint presentations with videos accessible, ensure the following: Videos include an audio track with video descriptions, if needed, for users that are blind or visually impaired. See also Rules for the Accessibility Checker Everything you need to know to write effective alt text Make your Word documents accessible to people with disabilities Make your Excel documents accessible to people with disabilities Make your Outlook email accessible to people with disabilities Closed Caption file types supported by PowerPoint.
Android: Best practices for making PowerPoint presentations accessible The following table includes key best practices for creating PowerPoint presentations that are accessible to people with disabilities. What to fix Why fix it How to fix it Include alternative text with all images, shapes, and tables.
Add alt text to images Add alt text to shapes Add alt text to tables Ensure that color is not the only means of conveying information. Use captions, subtitles, and alternative audio tracks in videos Add alt text to visuals and tables The following procedures describe how to add alt text to visuals and tables in your PowerPoint presentations. Office Online: Best practices for making PowerPoint for the web presentations accessible The following table includes key best practices for creating PowerPoint for the web presentations that are accessible to people with disabilities.
What to fix How to find it Why fix it How to fix it Include alternative text with all visuals and tables. Add alt text to images Add alt text to SmartArt graphics Add alt text to shapes or embedded videos Add alt text to tables Add meaningful hyperlink text. Add hyperlink text Change the text of a hyperlink Ensure that color is not the only means of conveying information. Format text for accessibility Use sufficient contrast for text and background colors.
Avoid using orange, red, and green in your template and text. Use patterns in graphs, instead of color, to highlight points of interest. Use an accessible slide design Give every slide a unique title. Use a logical reading order Use unique slide titles Use a simple table structure for data only, and specify column header information.
Use an accessible slide design Format text for accessibility Note: The Accessibility Checker inspects your presentation for all issues that can be fixed in the browser. Need more help? Join the discussion. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you!
Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback! Make sure slide contents can be read in the order that you intend. Set the reading order of slide contents Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order, colors, and more.
Ensure that color is not the only means of conveying information. Use an accessible presentation template Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order, colors, and more.
Use accessible font color Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order, colors, and more. Give every slide a title Hide a slide title. Avoid using tables Use table headers. Use a larger font size 18pt or larger , sans serif fonts, and sufficient white space. People who have dyslexia describe seeing text merge or distort. Use an accessible presentation template Use accessible font format and color. Create accessible PDFs or other file formats of your presentation.
You can also save the presentation in a format that can be ported to a Braille reader. Include alternative text with all visuals.
Add alt text to visuals in Microsoft Add alt text to visuals in Office Add alt text to visuals in Office Use unique slide titles Hide a slide title. Use a simple table structure for data only, and specify column header information. Use an accessible slide design Format text for accessibility. Make videos accessible to visually impaired and hearing-impaired users. Include alternative text with all visuals and tables.
Select the 2. As an alternative to 2. For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint Online list. If you have many objects, use the Search box to locate an object or use he Display Options along with the Refresh button to filter the list.
Select or clear the Skip files with errors checkbox at the bottom of the dialog box. If you select the Advanced option, you can append certain additional parameters to the query to control what data is returned. If you aren’t signed in using the Microsoft Work or School account you use to access Dataverse for Apps, select Sign in and enter the account username and password.
The Salesforce Objects dialog box appears. Select either Production or Custom. If you select Custom , enter the URL of a custom instance. For more information about advanced connector options, see Salesforce Objects. Because Salesforce Reports has API limits retrieving only the first 2, rows for each report, consider using the Salesforce Objects connector to work around this limitation if needed. The Salesforce Reports dialog box appears. For more information about advanced connector options, see Salesforce Reports.
Make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Analytics connector. Sign in with you Adobe Analytics Organizational account, and then select Connect.
For more information about advanced connector options, see Adobe Analytics. Select Advanced , and then In the Access Web dialog box, enter your credentials. For more information about advanced connector options, see Web. Microsoft Query has been around a long time and is still popular. In many ways, it’s a progenitor of Power Query. For more information, see Use Microsoft Query to retrieve external data. By default, the most general URL is selected.
Select Anonymous if the SharePoint Server does not require any credentials. Select Organizational account if the SharePoint Server requires organizational account credentials. For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint list.
Select Marketplace key if the OData feed requires a Marketplace account key. Click Organizational account if the OData feed requires federated access credentials. For Windows Live ID, log into your account. For more information about advanced connector options, see OData feed.
HDFS connects computer nodes within clusters over which data files are distributed and you can access these data files as one seamless file stream.
Enter the name of the server in the Server box, and then select OK. In the Active Directory Domain dialog box for your domain, select Use my current credentials , or select Use alternate credentials and then enter your Username and Password. After the connection succeeds, use the Navigator pane to browse all the domains available within your Active Directory, and then drill down into Active Directory information including Users, Accounts, and Computers.
In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, and then select Connect. In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then select Load or Edit.
For more information about advanced connector options, see ODBC data source. In the Navigator dialog box, select the database, and tables or queries you want to connect to, and then select Load or Edit.
Important: Retirement of Facebook data connector notice Import and refresh data from Facebook in Excel will stop working in April, Note: If this is the first time you’ve connected to Facebook, you will be asked to provide credentials. Sign in using your Facebook account, and allow access to the Power Query application. You can turn off future prompts by clicking the Don’t warn me again for this connector option.
Note: Your Facebook username is different from your login email. Select a category to connect to from the Connection drop-down list. For example, select Friends to give you access to all information available in your Facebook Friends category. If necessary, click Sign in from the Access Facebook dialog, then enter your Facebook email or phone number, and password. You can check the option to remain logged in.
Once signed in, click Connect. After the connection succeeds, you will be able to preview a table containing information about the selected category. For instance, if you select the Friends category, Power Query renders a table containing your Facebook friends by name.
You can create a blank query. You might want to enter data to try out some commands, or you can select the source data from Power Query:. For more information, see Manage data source settings and permissions. This command is similar to the Get Data command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon.
This command is similar to the Recent Sources command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon. When you merge two external data sources, you join two queries that create a relationship between two tables. When you append two or more queries, the data is added to a query based on the names of the column headers in both tables. The queries are appended in the order in which they’re selected.
For more information, see Append queries Power Query. You can use the Power Query add-in to connect to external data sources and perform advanced data analyses. The following sections provide steps for connecting to your data sources – web pages, text files, databases, online services, and Excel files, tables, and ranges. Click the Power Query check box, then OK.
The Power Query ribbon should appear automatically, but if it doesn’t, close and restart Excel. The following video shows the Query Editor window appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. The following video shows one way to display the Query Editor.
These automatic actions are equivalent to manually promoting a row and manually changing each column type. For example:. The following video shows the Query Editor window in Excel appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. If prompted, in the From Table dialog box, you can click the Range Selection button to select a specific range to use as a data source.
If the range of data has column headers, you can check My table has headers. The range header cells are used to set the column names for the query. Note: If your data range has been defined as a named range, or is in an Excel table, then Power Query will automatically sense the entire range and load it into the Query Editor for you.
Plain data will automatically be converted to a table when it is loaded into the Query Editor. You can use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. You can also use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. Note: While trying to import data from a legacy Excel file or an Access database in certain setups, you may encounter an error that the Microsoft Access Database Engine Microsoft.
The error occurs on systems with only Office installed. To resolve this error, download the following resources to ensure that you can proceed with the data sources you are trying to access.
Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable. Access Database Engine Service Pack 1. In the Access Web dialog box, click a credentials option, and provide authentication values. Power Query will analyze the web page, and load the Navigator pane in Table View. If you know which table you want to connect to, then click it from the list. For this example, we chose the Results table. Otherwise, you can switch to the Web View and pick the appropriate table manually.
In this case, we’ve selected the Results table. Click Load , and Power Query will load the web data you selected into Excel. Windows : This is the default selection. In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, then press Connect. In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit.
In the Browse dialog box, browse for or type a file URL to import or link to a file. Follow the steps in the Navigator dialog to connect to the table or query of your choice. After the connection succeeds, you will be able to use the Navigator pane to browse and preview the collections of items in the XML file in a tabular form. GetSchemaTable , where this information is part of the row description:.
But even if we had the type information, we would further have to use this information in a switch statement to retrieve the function call that is appropriate for the current field type. This is not fun! But wait, there is an easier way out! We can use the type neutral function:. Object GetOracleValue int i.
Nicely enough, the field count is a property of the data reader:. This way we can use the fast constructor but have a variable initialization. In fact, we are back to where we started from: We have a time of over 2 seconds again.
A little additional overhead would be OK, if we can generalize queries. But is it really true that we are back to where we started from?
I really thought so at first but investigating things further I discovered that the loop construct followed by the pipe is quite slow. This is quite acceptable for a generalized solution! Something to remember! If you are not convinced that it really does what it is supposed to do, we can supply some alternative queries just to present the results. Here is result of a query that returns the Fibonacci numbers and the depth level of the recursion or just a counter if you prefer that.
In easy words: Start with two numbers 0 and 1. You may notice that calculating the last values takes a noticeable amount of time. Just one last remark. There is also an iterative solution available that is by far faster, of course, as shown here:.
And I can tell you that this statement runs in nearly no time, too! It is usually available to each user. The results are looking good but maybe you expected that the order of the displayed columns should be different according to the select statement.
If you need to keep the order, you can pipe the result to Select-Object and enumerate the fields in the right order:. Why exactly could the order of the columns not be preserved? And here is something new in Windows Powershell 3. Adding the [ordered] tag as part of the creation of the hashtable does do the job. So reordering the result by Select-Object is no longer needed. So, we have retrieved three OracleDecimals , two OracleStrings , and one OracleDate here, which is quite close to what you might have guessed.
True False DataRow System. And even the types are not identical, though similar:. It just returns the corresponding. NET types. Back to our original question: Is the data adapter faster than the data reader? Yes, it looks like that. And that is an observation that is even opposite to some articles I have read before. We had 0, seconds for the data adapter, and now we still have 0, seconds for the data reader, which is small, but in recurring queries and maybe if larger result sets have to returned, significant difference!
If you think: Why should I bother? I will always use the data adapter that returns a ready to use dataset or a data table with less coding in a smaller amount of time? First of all: I am not sure if it may not be possible to tune the data reader further with special database parameters like the fetchsize to make it even faster.
The data reader can be used to serially progress each data row, the data adapter has to fetch all the data before you can progress any row. One other thing to remember is that you have a permanent connection to the database while you use the data reader to fetch each row. You have to manually open and close the connection before you start reading the data and after you finished to do so. The data adapter does this behind the scenes in its fill-method for you.
It only connects to the database to populate the data set or table used to keep the results of the query. In fact I did check with the still available, though deprecated, version of the Microsoft implementation of the Oracle client.
If you still want to use it, you may have to load the assembly if you are using the. NET 4 client profile. Other necessary changes include replacing Oracle. Client with System. OracleClient and using a different connection string. The results have been pretty much the same as those that we have seen before using the managed Oracle data provider!
Using the Oracle OleDb provider requires that it is registered on your local machine. If you have to register any of the two versions, pay attention of the regsvr Otherwise, we may have encountered error messages reporting that the Oracle. OleDb provider is not registered on the local machine.
Under Duration , enter a date in the Start date and End date boxes. Click the down arrow for a calendar. Under Options , you can choose to include details of your appointments or pick a background graphic for the Web page that you are creating. Under Save As , in the Calendar title text box, type the name that you want to appear as the title of the Web page.
For File name , browse to the location where you want to save the Web page and then type a file name. By default, the Web page opens in your Web browser after you click Save. If you do not want to see the Web page, clear the Open saved Web page in browser check box.
Note: In some Web browsers, such as Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer, the page might not appear as it should because active content is blocked. A copy of your calendar can be sent to anyone in an email message. The calendar is included as an attachment and also appears within the message body. You decide what dates are included and the amount of detail. Note: If you are using the Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane, click , click Navigation Pane , right-click the calendar that you want to share, and then click Send Calendar via E-mail.
In the Calendar list, choose the calendar to send. By default, the default Calendar is chosen. In the Date Range list, choose the amount of calendar data to include in your message, or click Specify dates to enter a custom date range. Note: If you choose a large date range or select Whole calendar , you might create a large message.
In the Detail list, choose the amount of detail to show the recipients. Optionally, you can restrict the information included in the message to your working hours by selecting the Only show time within my working hours check box. To change your working hours, click Set working hours. The existence of private items is included, but no further information is shared.
E-mail Layout You can include your Daily schedule or a List of events. In the To box, enter the name of the person to whom you want to send the subscription information. The calendar appears to the recipient within the message body.
The attached iCalendar file with a file extension of. When an. When opened as an Outlook calendar, the recipient can view the received calendar in side-by-side or overlay views. The recipient can also drag calendar items from the received calendar to another Outlook calendar.
You can share your Outlook calendars by publishing them to Microsoft Office Online. Office Online provides a free way to share calendars and lets you control who has access to them. Furthermore, you can publish or view calendars on Office Online even if you do not use an Exchange account. Using Office Online is a great way to share calendar information if you use POP3 or IMAP email accounts, the most common types of personal or small business email accounts.
In Calendar , in the Navigation Pane , right-click the calendar you want to publish. Note: If you are using the Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane , click the Calendar button , click Navigation Pane , and then right-click the calendar you want to publish.
Tip: If you want to publish your default calendar, click Publish My Calendar in the Navigation Pane , and then proceed with step 3. If you do not have a free Windows Live ID account, you can create one. Follow the instructions on your screen. Next to Permissions , choose whether your calendar information can be viewed by specified people only or searched and viewed by anyone using Office Online.
Only invited users can view this calendar If you click this option, an Outlook sharing email message opens after the calendar is published to Office Online.
You can send the sharing email message to each person to whom who you want to grant access to your calendar. The sharing message automatically includes a link to the calendar and you can type a message if you want to. Anyone can view and search for this calendar on Office Online If you click this option, anyone who knows the link to your calendar can view it. People do not need a Windows Live ID account to log on or sign in to a service.
In addition, Office Online users can find this calendar when searching for calendars. If you are publishing a calendar that anyone can view and search, type a description of your calendar in the Description box. This information helps other Office Online users find your calendar.
Share a contacts folder with others. Share calendar. Share an Outlook calendar with other people. Share your Microsoft or Outlook.
On the Permissions tab, click the user’s name and then choose Remove. Your server administrator or internet service provider ISP should be able to tell you. This lets you publish your calendar directly to an Exchange Server. In the window that opens, select the publishing options you want, and click Start Publishing. This will prevent you from publishing your calendar to Exchange in the future, however.
If you don’t want to give someone permissions to share your calendar and see updates, you can email a static copy of your calendar for a specific date range. The recipient will be able to see the events on your calendar at the time you sent the email, but not any updates you make after you send the email. Note: This feature is no longer available with Outlook for Microsoft In the Calendar and Date Range boxes, pick the calendar and time period you want to share. For example, choose Today only or for the Next 7 days.
In the new email that opens, add who you want the message to go to in the To field, add a message if you want, and click Send.
The message also includes an attached iCalendar. When the recipient clicks the iCalendar file, Outlook displays the file as a new calendar that they can view side-by-side with their calendar.
They can drag appointments or meetings between the two calendars, and find a time that works for both of you. Sharing your calendar in Outlook Web App. Important: Office is no longer supported. Upgrade to Microsoft to work anywhere from any device and continue to receive support. Upgrade now. Share calendars by email.
Share calendars using a Microsoft Exchange Server account. Share a calendar by publishing it online. You can edit the Calendar Snapshot before sending.
For example, you can change fonts or highlight days or appointments. On the Home tab, in the Share group, click E-mail Calendar. In the Date Range box, click the time period that you want the calendar to show. An Outlook user who receives the Calendar by email can choose to open the Calendar Snapshot in Outlook.
Microsoft Exchange Server enables calendar sharing with others who have Exchange accounts. Your calendars can be viewed only by others to whom you have granted permissions. If the other person whose calendar you want to open has not granted you permission to view it, Outlook prompts you to ask the person for the permission that you need.
After you access a shared calendar for the first time, the calendar is added to the Shared Calendars list in the Navigation Pane, where you can access it the next time that you want to view it.
On the Home tab, in the Share group, click Share Calendar. In the Sharing Invitation that appears, enter the person who you want to share with in the To box. The recipient sees an email notification that you have shared your calendar.
You can also request that the recipient share his or her Exchange Calendar with you. Tip: If you want to share a calendar that you created that is not your default Calendar, in the Navigation Pane, right-click the calendar name, and then click Share calendar name.
You can publish your default Outlook Calendar to the Internet, which enables more people to view it. Publishing an Internet Calendar requires neither the publisher nor the user to use an Exchange account. Publish to Outlook. To share your Outlook calendar on Outlook. Save a calendar as an.
Learn how to create one at Outlook. Your Internet service provider ISP might provide features and tools to enable you to publish your calendar as a webpage.
Contact your ISP to verify whether that feature is available to you. Open another person’s Exchange Calendar. Allow someone else to manage your mail and calendar. Create, view, or delete a calendar group. Manage another person’s mail and calendar items. You can share a one-time copy of your calendar that is not updated called Calendar Snapshots or share calendars that can be updated by publishing them to web sites that support the WebDAV protocol.
Share your calendar with other Exchange users. Share calendars with anyone. Publish a calendar to Office Online.
Most home and personal accounts do not use Microsoft Exchange. For more information about Microsoft Exchange accounts and how to determine which version of Exchange your account connects to, see the links in the See Also section.
Share your default Calendar folder with specific people. Share your default Calendar folder with everyone. Share a custom calendar folder with specific people. Share a custom calendar folder with everyone. Revoke or change other people’s access to your calendar folders. Share your calendar by using Delegate Access.
For information on requesting access to someone else’s shared calendar, see Open another person’s Exchange Calendar.
The default Calendar folder in Outlook is created in each Outlook profile. This folder cannot be renamed or deleted. Click this check box to specify that you want to ask the recipient to share his or her calendar with you. This is optional.
In the To box, enter the name of the recipient for the sharing invitation message. In addition, you can request permissions to view the recipient’s default Calendar folder. To do so, select the Request permission to view recipient’s Calendar check box.
Note: If you want to request access to a calendar folder other than the default Calendar folder, you must send an e-mail message asking for permissions to that particular folder. This option requests access to the recipient’s default Calendar folder only. In Calendar , in the Navigation Pane, right-click the default Calendar folder. This is usually under My Calendar , and is displayed as Calendar.
Note: If you are using the Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane, click , click Navigation Pane , right-click the calendar that you want to share, and then click Share calendar name.
This is usually under My Calendars and is displayed as Calendar. On the Permissions tab, in the Name box, click Default. Under Permissions , in the Permission Level list, click a permission level. With this permission level or role.
Create, read, modify, and delete all items and files, and create subfolders. As the folder owner, you can change the permission levels that other people have for the folder. Does not apply to delegates. Create and read items and files, create subfolders, and modify and delete items and files that you create.
Create items and files only. The contents of the folder do not appear. You can create custom permissions by selecting the appropriate check boxes and options under Permissions. You can create additional calendar folders and these folders can be renamed or deleted. This section includes instructions to share calendar folders that you create.
In Calendar , in the Navigation Pane, right-click the calendar folder that you want to share. In addition, if you want to, grant permissions to the recipient to change your calendar items by selecting the Recipient can add, edit, and delete items in this Calendar check box. In Calendar , in the Navigation Pane, right-click the calendar folder for which you want to change permissions.
Note: If you are using the Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane, click , click Navigation Pane , right-click the calendar for which you want to change permissions, and then click Change Sharing Permissions. Revoke or change access permissions for everyone.
Under Permissions , in the Permission Level list, click None to revoke permissions or any of the other options to change permissions. Revoke or change permissions for one person. On the Permissions tab, in the Name box, click the name of the person whose access permissions you want to change. Similar to having an assistant help you manage your incoming paper mail, you can use Microsoft Outlook to allow another person, known as a delegate, to receive and respond to meeting requests or responses and to send e-mail messages on your behalf.
You can also grant additional permissions that allow your delegate to read, create, or have full control over items in your Exchange mailbox. Delegate Access is a more advanced feature than just sharing your Outlook folders. If you want to grant additional permissions, such as allowing a delegate the ability to create e-mail messages or respond to meeting requests on your behalf, you must use Delegate Access.
As the manager, your mail must be delivered to your mailbox on the Exchange server, not to a Personal Folders file. On the Tools menu, click Options , and then click the Delegates tab. In the Type name or select from list box, enter the name of the delegate to whom you want to grant permissions. The permissions you select will apply to all of the delegates.
Click Add , click OK , and then click a type of permission for each Outlook folder to which you want the delegate to have access. If you want your delegate to see items that you have marked private, select the Delegate can see my private items check box. In this section:. Save a calendar as an iCalendar file. Publish a calendar to a Web server. Save a calendar as a Web page. Send your calendar via e-mail. Type a name for the iCalendar file in the File name text box. This should be an easy to recognize and meaningful name for you and your recipients.
A summary of the calendar name, date range, and detail level appears next to More Options. If you are satisfied with this summary, proceed to step 8, otherwise continue with step 4. From the Date Range list, choose the amount of calendar data to include in the iCalendar file, or click Specify dates to enter a custom date range.
Note: If you choose a large date range or select Whole calendar , you might create a large iCalendar file. From the Detail list, choose the amount of detail to show the recipients. By default, the Availability only option is selected. None of the options include your items marked private unless you change the privacy option in Advanced options. The existence of private items will be included, but no further information will be shared. Include attachments within calendar items This option requires Detail to be set to Full Details.
All attachments on calendar items, such as spreadsheets, are included. Note: This might increase the size of the iCalendar file significantly. If your calendar contains no items, a dialog box appears to provide you with a chance to cancel saving the iCalendar file.
You can publish and share your calendars with others by publishing them to a WebDAV server. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Overview of the criticism of Microsoft.
Further information: Software patents and free software. Main article: Bundling of Microsoft Windows. Main article: Microsoft litigation. European Committee for Interoperable Systems. March 31, Archived PDF from the original on June 18, Retrieved May 25, The Register. Archived from the original on May 17, Retrieved May 17, CIO Updates. Archived from the original on February 8, Retrieved January 29, Archived from the original on August 31, Retrieved August 31, Archived from the original on September 20, Retrieved September 19, Archived from the original on September 15, Archived from the original on September 18, Windows Central.
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Chris Pratley’s OneNote Blog. Archived from the original on December 17, I also detected another old saw about hidden advantages or undocumented APIs that somehow made Word better than competing apps.
The reality on this is so counter to the conspiracy it is astounding. The Office team barely talks to the Windows team. The Old New Thing. Archived from the original on March 16, Retrieved September 18, Archived from the original on April 26, Retrieved June 1, We repeat. Microsoft has signed up to the OIN”. Archived from the original on October 11, Port July 6, Archived from the original on May 23, Retrieved July 7, Under the Community Promise, Microsoft provides assurance that it will not assert its Necessary Claims against anyone who makes, uses, sells, offers for sale, imports, or distributes any Covered Implementation under any type of development or distribution model, including open-source licensing models such as the LGPL or GPL.
ZDNet Asia. Canonical Ltd. It is common practice in the software industry to register patents as protection against litigation, rather than as an intent to litigate. Thus mere existence of a patent, without a claim of infringement, is not sufficient reason to warrant exclusion from the Ubuntu Project.
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Start quickly with the most recent versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and OneDrive —combining the familiarity of Office and the unique Mac features you love. Work online or offline, on your own or with others in real time—whatever . Microsoft Office XP (codenamed Office 10) is an office suite which was officially revealed in July by Microsoft for the Windows operating replace.me XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , and was later made available to retail on May 31, , less than five months prior to the release of Windows XP. It is the successor to Office and the predecessor of . Dec 04, · Summary: Guest blogger and Windows PowerShell Guru Klaus Schulte talks about using Oracle replace.me and Windows PowerShell to simplify data access to Oracle databases. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. It is early in the morning in Frankfurt, Germany, and the Scripting Wife and I just returned from Prague where we had a wonderful .
December 4th, 1 0. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. David is a super nice person, and he took the time to show us around his lovely city. Anyway, we feel really blessed to have had the opportunity to spend the day with such an interesting person. And this brings our three-week tour to a close in just a few hours. We have some time in the Frankfurt airport before our flights. This is a good thing because the Frankfurt airport has lots of things to do and to see.
It is like a shopping mall with airplanes attached to it. With no further ado, here is Klaus. By living in a networked world, with Internet access everywhere, information retrieval is often a snap.
Right, everything has changed, but behind the nice-colored icons, most of the information retrieval is still relying on some old-fashioned techniques—called databases.
At the company I work for we definitely know that at least this will not change in the next couple of years. In fact, it is crucial to get at some database information, even in scripts, to retrieve information regarding the current workflow, the status of individual tasks, and error messages indicating a flaw in the workflow.
NET, we are in a comfortable situation that let us query a database on the fly to get the required piece of information necessary for further processing.
Unlike Cmd. NET and the System. Data namespace to query databases. Even for our Oracle databases, the. OracleClient, which has been part of the. NET Framework ever since but now it has been marked as deprecated and will no longer be supported in future Framework versions starting with.
NET Framework 4. NET has been around for some years, too. But we always used the Microsoft provider because it has been part of the Framework anyway and it worked fine out of the box. But, nowadays, as most companies are migrating to bit systems, another level of complexity has been added to the provider choice: You have to pay attention to the combination of installed Oracle clients and data providers on the machines your company is running because the Microsoft and the Oracle provider rely and cooperate with an installed Oracle client version on each workstation and this can be a bit or a bit client.
Note You can walk through this article using the unmanaged Oracle. And if you use the Microsoft System. OracleClient you will also be able to follow me with very little effort! Even if you use another RDBMS, chances are that you can easily build an analogue scenario for your database. NET 2, Database Extensions for. Everything can be installed via the Oracle Universal installer, which is part of the pack, too.
NET should be your first choice. Also, be aware that the standard Oracle Client may be a large piece of software! Depending on the functionality needed, you may have to dedicate over MB on each workstation. The Instant Client is an improvement, which reduces the size of the client to about MB as there are only a couple of binaries DLL delivered in this package, which can be copied to each workstation without the need of any further Setup.
However, it only contains the most basic functionality where additional add-ons might be needed. A major problem is that depending on your software mix, it might be necessary to install the bit and the bit versions of the client, which is a challenge on its own, if you have to make both versions available on one machine. Another option that offers. NET and is available in a and bit versions. This was the way I preferred to query our database up to now.
A couple of weeks ago, Oracle released the public beta of an ODP. NET version that makes life much easier now. NET is available for download at the Oracle.
Net Developer center. When the download is complete, just unzip the file ODP. Of course, it will be reasonable to have access to an Oracle database server 10g R2 or higher , too. First, import this library. The next step is to create a connection to the database. Here you need to supply credentials to access the database and schema as well as a host and service name. State : Closed. ClientId :. Database :.
HostName :. Site :. State : Open. HostName : wdo And the StatementCacheSize has been updated to a value reported by the server, too. We can never rely on a successful connect. Connecting is fine, but you usually want to do something else—like querying the database for some results! AddRowid : False. BindByName : False.
CommandText :. CommandType : Text. Connection : Oracle. Transaction :. FetchSize : RowSize : 0. Notification :. Container :. The CommandType is Text by default meaning that you will be able to directly supply a select command. CommandText will be the property where the text of the select command will be stored:. There is just one piece missing: How do you execute the command? You need a reader object to read the result set returned from the database.
We received an impressing sign of life from our database! I love to enclose the whole query string in a so-called Windows Powershell here-string , which lets me keep the original formatting of the SQL Server statement even if it spans several rows! Just exchanging the previous select statement with the new statement results in the following:.
What happened here? As our database has a well-elaborated type system, it refuses to convert the intCount value 1 implicitly to a string that is the type of data required to execute the statement:. It says: GetString , not GetInteger , or something else more appropriate!
By using Windows Powershell 3. This is a great help if you are exploring non-Microsoft objects, and it accelerates typing and helps avoid typos, too. It worked! If you prefer to scroll down, you may find some more Oracle-specific GetOracle -functions in the box:. It worked somehow, but we get more information than expected and needed. The expected result is represented by the value property. True True OracleDecimal System. TypeName: Oracle. Name MemberType Definition. Object obj , int IComparable.
CompareTo System. Object obj. Equals Method bool Equals System. GetSchema Method System. XmlSchema IXmlSerializable. GetType Method type GetType. ReadXml System. XmlReader reader. ToByte Method byte ToByte. ToDouble Method double ToDouble. ToInt16 Method int16 ToInt
September 22, Archived from the original on April 6, Archived from the original on July 20, Archived from the original on October 16, Archived PDF from the original on February 15, November 15, Archived from the original on October 4, May 11, Archived from the original on December 24, September 24, Archived from the original PDF on March 25, Archived from the original on May 2, The Seattle Times. Archived from the original on June 29, Retrieved September 27, June 18, Retrieved October 14, Financial Times.
Retrieved June 9, June 7, Archived from the original on December 6, The Washington Post. Archived from the original on December 14, Retrieved August 22, Archived from the original on December 8, Retrieved December 3, Business Week.
Archived from the original on January 18, Retrieved November 8, The New York Times. Archived from the original on May 22, Independent Institute. ISSN Retrieved May 30, Archived from the original on May 30, The Independent. Archived from the original on April 25, Retrieved April 24, December 6, Advertising Standards Authority.
Archived from the original on January 29, Retrieved March 31, IT Business Edge. Archived from the original on November 26, Archived from the original on November 3, NBC News. Archived from the original on December 5, BBC News. August 26, Archived from the original on May 28, Archived from the original on February 4, Retrieved January 14, Archived from the original on January 20, Retrieved January 21, Archived from the original on September 4, Retrieved September 4, The Irish Times.
Retrieved June 3, Boing Boing. Retrieved February 15, Microsoft Got Tougher”. July 17, PC Magazine. Archived from the original on January 13, Retrieved August 26, August 9, Archived from the original on November 22, Retrieved November 23, August 10, Retrieved February 6, June 4, June 5, The Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on August 18, Internet companies in broad secret program”. Archived from the original on June 9, Archived from the original on February 16, Retrieved February 18, Tech Crunch.
June 6, Archived from the original on June 13, Archived from the original on November 19, Retrieved July 12, Archived from the original on July 12, Retrieved July 30, Ziff Davis. Archived from the original on July 30, Retrieved July 31, Archived from the original on June 8, July 29, May 30, Retrieved May 31, May 29, Archived from the original on March 1, Retrieved March 4, Archived from the original on February 28, February 25, Archived from the original on October 8, Retrieved September 29, Archived from the original on May 16, September 14, Archived from the original on April 16, Retrieved July 3, Retrieved January 23, Xbox Wire.
January 22, August 30, Microsoft tries to get twice-rejected compression patent past skeptical examiners”. United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Australian Strategic Policy Institute. History Outline. Bill Gates Paul Allen. John W. Where do you want to go today? Alcatel-Lucent v. Microsoft Apple v. Microsoft European Union Microsoft competition case Microsoft v.
Lindows Microsoft v. MikeRoweSoft Microsoft v. Shah United States v. Microsoft antitrust case Microsoft Ireland case. Categories : Microsoft criticisms and controversies. Windows Authentication Select this option to use the Windows username and password of the current user.
This is the most secure method, but it can affect performance when there are many users. A site administrator can configure a SharePoint site to use a Single Sign On database where a username and password can be stored. This method can be the most efficient when there are many users. None Select this option to save the username and password in the connection file. Important: Avoid saving logon information when connecting to data sources.
This information may be stored as plain text, and a malicious user could access the information to compromise the security of the data source. Select Finish to close the Data Connection Wizard. Decide how you want to import the data, and then select OK. For more information about using this dialog box, select the question mark? You can connect to a specific offline cube file if it has been created on the database server.
You can also import data into Excel as either a Table or a PivotTable report. In the Navigator pane select the database, and then select the cube or tables you want to connect.
Click Load to load the selected table into a worksheet, or click Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations in the Power Query Editor before loading it. Note: Before you can connect to an Oracle database using Power Query , you need the Oracle client software v8.
If you want to import data using native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box. For more information, see Import data from database using Native Database Query. For more information about advanced connector options, see Oracle Database.
Select the driver that matches your Power Query installation bit or bit. For more information, see Import data from a database using Native Database Query. For more information about advanced connector options, see MySQL database.
Select the driver that matches your Office version bit or bit. For more information, see Which version of Office am I using? Also make sure you have the provider registered in the machine configuration that matches the most recent.
NET version on your device. For more information about advanced connector options, see PostgreSQL. Select the driver that matches your Excel installation bit or bit. By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected so that Power Query connects to your database using a simple encrypted connection.
Note: Before you can connect to a Teradata database, you need the. This feature is only available in Excel for Windows if you have Office or later, or a Microsoft subscription. If you are a Microsoft subscriber, make sure you have the latest version of Office. You will need an SAP account to login to the website and download the drivers.
If you are unsure, contact the SAP administrator in your organization. The server name should follow the format ServerName:Port. Optionally, if you want to import data using native database query, Select Advanced options and in the SQL Statement box enter the query. Azure SQL Database is a high-performing, fully managed, scalable relational database built for the cloud and used for mission-critical applications. For more information about advanced connector options, see Azure SQL database.
Azure Synapse Analytics combines big data tools and relational queries by using Apache Spark to connect to Azure data services and the Power Platform. You can load millions of rows in no time. Then, you can work with tabular data by using familiar SQL syntax for queries. For more information, see What is Azure Synapse Analytics. For more information about advanced connector options, see Azure Synapse Analytics. Azure HDInsight is used for big data analysis when you need to process large amounts of data.
It supports data warehousing and machine learning; you can think of it as a data flow engine. Select your cluster in the Navigator dialog, and then find and select a content file. Select Load to load the selected table, or Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations before loading it. If you are connecting to the Blob storage service for the first time, you will be prompted to enter and save the storage access key. Note: If you need to retrieve your storage access key, browse to the Microsoft Azure Portal , select your storage account, and then select the Manage Access Key icon on the bottom of the page.
Select the copy icon to the right of the primary key, and then paste the value in the Account Key box. The Azure Storage provides storage services for a variety of data objects. For more information, see Introduction to Table storage. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 1 combines different data warehouses into a single, stored environment. You can use a new generation of query tools to explore and analyze data, working with petabytes of data. For more information, see Azure Data Lake Storage.
Azure Data Explorer is a fast and highly scalable data exploration service for log and telemetry data. It can handle large volumes of diverse data from any data source, such as websites, applications, IoT devices, and more. For more information, see What is Azure Data Explorer. In the Azure Data Explorer Kusto dialog box, enter appropriate values.
Each prompt provides helpful examples to walk you though the process. You can import Datasets from your organization with appropriate permission by selecting them from the Power BI Datasets pane, and then creating a PivotTable in a new worksheet.
The Power BI Datasets pane appears. If many Datasets are available, use the Search box. Select the arrow next to the box to display keyword filters for versions and environments to target your search. Select a Dataset and create a PivotTable in a new worksheet. Select the 2. As an alternative to 2. For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint Online list. If you have many objects, use the Search box to locate an object or use he Display Options along with the Refresh button to filter the list.
Select or clear the Skip files with errors checkbox at the bottom of the dialog box. If you select the Advanced option, you can append certain additional parameters to the query to control what data is returned. If you aren’t signed in using the Microsoft Work or School account you use to access Dataverse for Apps, select Sign in and enter the account username and password. The Salesforce Objects dialog box appears. Select either Production or Custom.
If you select Custom , enter the URL of a custom instance. For more information about advanced connector options, see Salesforce Objects. Because Salesforce Reports has API limits retrieving only the first 2, rows for each report, consider using the Salesforce Objects connector to work around this limitation if needed. The Salesforce Reports dialog box appears. For more information about advanced connector options, see Salesforce Reports.
Make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Analytics connector. Sign in with you Adobe Analytics Organizational account, and then select Connect. For more information about advanced connector options, see Adobe Analytics. Select Advanced , and then In the Access Web dialog box, enter your credentials.
For more information about advanced connector options, see Web. Microsoft Query has been around a long time and is still popular. In many ways, it’s a progenitor of Power Query. For more information, see Use Microsoft Query to retrieve external data. By default, the most general URL is selected.
Select Anonymous if the SharePoint Server does not require any credentials. Select Organizational account if the SharePoint Server requires organizational account credentials. For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint list. Select Marketplace key if the OData feed requires a Marketplace account key.
Click Organizational account if the OData feed requires federated access credentials. For Windows Live ID, log into your account. For more information about advanced connector options, see OData feed. HDFS connects computer nodes within clusters over which data files are distributed and you can access these data files as one seamless file stream.
Enter the name of the server in the Server box, and then select OK. In the Active Directory Domain dialog box for your domain, select Use my current credentials , or select Use alternate credentials and then enter your Username and Password.
After the connection succeeds, use the Navigator pane to browse all the domains available within your Active Directory, and then drill down into Active Directory information including Users, Accounts, and Computers.
In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, and then select Connect. In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then select Load or Edit. For more information about advanced connector options, see ODBC data source.
In the Navigator dialog box, select the database, and tables or queries you want to connect to, and then select Load or Edit. Important: Retirement of Facebook data connector notice Import and refresh data from Facebook in Excel will stop working in April, Note: If this is the first time you’ve connected to Facebook, you will be asked to provide credentials.
Sign in using your Facebook account, and allow access to the Power Query application. You can turn off future prompts by clicking the Don’t warn me again for this connector option. Note: Your Facebook username is different from your login email. Select a category to connect to from the Connection drop-down list. For example, select Friends to give you access to all information available in your Facebook Friends category.
If necessary, click Sign in from the Access Facebook dialog, then enter your Facebook email or phone number, and password. You can check the option to remain logged in. Once signed in, click Connect. After the connection succeeds, you will be able to preview a table containing information about the selected category.
For instance, if you select the Friends category, Power Query renders a table containing your Facebook friends by name. You can create a blank query. You might want to enter data to try out some commands, or you can select the source data from Power Query:.
For more information, see Manage data source settings and permissions. This command is similar to the Get Data command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon.
This command is similar to the Recent Sources command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon. When you merge two external data sources, you join two queries that create a relationship between two tables. When you append two or more queries, the data is added to a query based on the names of the column headers in both tables. The queries are appended in the order in which they’re selected. For more information, see Append queries Power Query.
You can use the Power Query add-in to connect to external data sources and perform advanced data analyses. The following sections provide steps for connecting to your data sources – web pages, text files, databases, online services, and Excel files, tables, and ranges.
Click the Power Query check box, then OK. The Power Query ribbon should appear automatically, but if it doesn’t, close and restart Excel. The following video shows the Query Editor window appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. The following video shows one way to display the Query Editor. These automatic actions are equivalent to manually promoting a row and manually changing each column type.
For example:. The following video shows the Query Editor window in Excel appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. If prompted, in the From Table dialog box, you can click the Range Selection button to select a specific range to use as a data source. If the range of data has column headers, you can check My table has headers. The range header cells are used to set the column names for the query. Note: If your data range has been defined as a named range, or is in an Excel table, then Power Query will automatically sense the entire range and load it into the Query Editor for you.
Plain data will automatically be converted to a table when it is loaded into the Query Editor. You can use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. You can also use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. Note: While trying to import data from a legacy Excel file or an Access database in certain setups, you may encounter an error that the Microsoft Access Database Engine Microsoft.
The error occurs on systems with only Office installed. To resolve this error, download the following resources to ensure that you can proceed with the data sources you are trying to access. Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable. Access Database Engine Service Pack 1. In the Access Web dialog box, click a credentials option, and provide authentication values. Power Query will analyze the web page, and load the Navigator pane in Table View. If you know which table you want to connect to, then click it from the list.
For this example, we chose the Results table. Otherwise, you can switch to the Web View and pick the appropriate table manually. In this case, we’ve selected the Results table. Click Load , and Power Query will load the web data you selected into Excel. Windows : This is the default selection. In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, then press Connect.
In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit. In the Browse dialog box, browse for or type a file URL to import or link to a file. Follow the steps in the Navigator dialog to connect to the table or query of your choice. In this section:.
Save a calendar as an iCalendar file. Publish a calendar to a Web server. Save a calendar as a Web page. Send your calendar via e-mail. Type a name for the iCalendar file in the File name text box. This should be an easy to recognize and meaningful name for you and your recipients. A summary of the calendar name, date range, and detail level appears next to More Options. If you are satisfied with this summary, proceed to step 8, otherwise continue with step 4.
From the Date Range list, choose the amount of calendar data to include in the iCalendar file, or click Specify dates to enter a custom date range. Note: If you choose a large date range or select Whole calendar , you might create a large iCalendar file. From the Detail list, choose the amount of detail to show the recipients.
By default, the Availability only option is selected. None of the options include your items marked private unless you change the privacy option in Advanced options. The existence of private items will be included, but no further information will be shared.
Include attachments within calendar items This option requires Detail to be set to Full Details. All attachments on calendar items, such as spreadsheets, are included. Note: This might increase the size of the iCalendar file significantly. If your calendar contains no items, a dialog box appears to provide you with a chance to cancel saving the iCalendar file.
You can publish and share your calendars with others by publishing them to a WebDAV server. This is useful if you want to share calendars and availability information with others, but do not use a software application such as Exchange.
In Calendar , in the Navigation Pane, right-click the calendar that you want to share. Next to Time Span , select the number of days for which you want to share your calendar. Next to Detail , click the arrow and choose the amount of detail to share.
If you want, select the Show time within my working hours only check box to restrict shared details to your working hours specified in Outlook.
By default, this calendar will be periodically updated. To upload this calendar and then never provide updates, click Advanced , and then click Single Upload: Updates will not be uploaded. You can save a calendar as a Web page and then share it with others. For example, you might post a calendar with important project dates as a page on your company’s intranet, or your soccer team’s game schedule as a page on your personal Web site.
You can then easily refer others to the calendar by distributing its URL. When you save a calendar as a Web page, you can specify the start and end dates for the calendar, and whether to include appointment details that are entered in the text section of the appointment.
You can also add a background. If your Internet service provider ISP provides you with a Web site or a place to share files with the public, you can share your calendar as a Web page. Under Duration , enter a date in the Start date and End date boxes. Click the down arrow for a calendar. Under Options , you can choose to include details of your appointments or pick a background graphic for the Web page that you are creating.
Under Save As , in the Calendar title text box, type the name that you want to appear as the title of the Web page. For File name , browse to the location where you want to save the Web page and then type a file name. By default, the Web page opens in your Web browser after you click Save.
If you do not want to see the Web page, clear the Open saved Web page in browser check box. Note: In some Web browsers, such as Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer, the page might not appear as it should because active content is blocked. A copy of your calendar can be sent to anyone in an email message. The calendar is included as an attachment and also appears within the message body. You decide what dates are included and the amount of detail.
Note: If you are using the Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane, click , click Navigation Pane , right-click the calendar that you want to share, and then click Send Calendar via E-mail.
In the Calendar list, choose the calendar to send. By default, the default Calendar is chosen. In the Date Range list, choose the amount of calendar data to include in your message, or click Specify dates to enter a custom date range. Note: If you choose a large date range or select Whole calendar , you might create a large message.
In the Detail list, choose the amount of detail to show the recipients. Optionally, you can restrict the information included in the message to your working hours by selecting the Only show time within my working hours check box. To change your working hours, click Set working hours. The existence of private items is included, but no further information is shared.
E-mail Layout You can include your Daily schedule or a List of events. In the To box, enter the name of the person to whom you want to send the subscription information. The calendar appears to the recipient within the message body. The attached iCalendar file with a file extension of. When an. When opened as an Outlook calendar, the recipient can view the received calendar in side-by-side or overlay views. The recipient can also drag calendar items from the received calendar to another Outlook calendar.
You can share your Outlook calendars by publishing them to Microsoft Office Online. Office Online provides a free way to share calendars and lets you control who has access to them. Furthermore, you can publish or view calendars on Office Online even if you do not use an Exchange account. Using Office Online is a great way to share calendar information if you use POP3 or IMAP email accounts, the most common types of personal or small business email accounts.
In Calendar , in the Navigation Pane , right-click the calendar you want to publish. Note: If you are using the Navigation Pane in Minimized view, in the Navigation Pane , click the Calendar button , click Navigation Pane , and then right-click the calendar you want to publish.
Tip: If you want to publish your default calendar, click Publish My Calendar in the Navigation Pane , and then proceed with step 3. If you do not have a free Windows Live ID account, you can create one. Follow the instructions on your screen. Next to Permissions , choose whether your calendar information can be viewed by specified people only or searched and viewed by anyone using Office Online.
Only invited users can view this calendar If you click this option, an Outlook sharing email message opens after the calendar is published to Office Online. You can send the sharing email message to each person to whom who you want to grant access to your calendar. The sharing message automatically includes a link to the calendar and you can type a message if you want to. Anyone can view and search for this calendar on Office Online If you click this option, anyone who knows the link to your calendar can view it.
People do not need a Windows Live ID account to log on or sign in to a service. In addition, Office Online users can find this calendar when searching for calendars. If you are publishing a calendar that anyone can view and search, type a description of your calendar in the Description box. This information helps other Office Online users find your calendar. Share a contacts folder with others.
Share calendar. Share an Outlook calendar with other people. Share your Microsoft or Outlook.
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